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george bond
8 years ago

..the issue of ” bad gas : in Jamaica is an issue that cannot be glossed over with tales of contaminants by minister is a much larger issue..Jamaicans need to be made aware of the destructive qualities of ethanol added gaseline….in Jamaica that is E10 87 and 90…it was forced upon the Jamaican public by the very minister who is now ” investigating ” bad gas…when E10 was introduced claims were made that it would be cheaper and cleaner..those claims are alternative was offered..such as leadfree 87 and premium….most vehicles in Jamaica are designed to run on unleaded…not… Read more »

Nash Rickets
3 years ago

Hello admin,

I’d love to contribute to this blog.
I operate a technology company here on the island and would love to contribute Digital Marketing and technology-focused pieces to your blog.
How could we achieve this?

Ivan L, Flynn
Ivan L, Flynn
11 months ago

Thanks for this medium. I wish I had found it a month earlier.