Sex before Marriage : Jamaica’s Virgin Marys and Mary Magdalenes
Christians reject the notion that Jesus and Mary Magdalene could ever possibly be in a relationship on the grounds that Jesus would not want sexual relations with a worldly woman more so his friendship with her was more one of divine pity.
He was trying to transform her life and save her soul. Jesus would never discriminate, Jesus would not look at people the way some christian do when you come to church on Sunday.
A relative of mine is a Minister of Religion. She posits in a conversation we had that she does not support the argument for sex after marriage because couples need to ascertain sexual compatibility before marriage.
She insist that affairs and divorces are prevalent primarily because of bad sex and Christian’s misguided notions about relationships and sex.
Some Christians paint sex as a sinful act and therefore women are less open to gaining pleasure from their experiences and working on maximizing pleasure in their marital bed. Sex is more of a marriage condition and a means of procreation than a fairly human and normal desire.
I placed this topic on a forum on Facebook to find out what other bloggers thought about it and as I had anticipated it became more about defining and valuating my relatives qualification as a minister of religion than discussing the issue at hand. Other Christians were ready to hurl her into hell for misrepresenting the biblical teachings and altering Christendom views to suit secular lifestyle.
Their responses dripped with contempt and I was forced to wonder what percentage of married Jamaican Women were virgins on their Wedding Nights? I hope those sinners throwing stones did not give up the goodies before the pastor pronounced their relationship as sacred before the eyes of God. I beseech-ed them to tell the truth that Jehovah, God, Almighty loved.
I wanted to nip their self righteousness in the bud. I tell my christian relatives that “churchianity” is the central reason the church is not teeming with young people. The hypocrisy within the church is not concealed from this growing, informed generation. The arrogance among church goers is unnerving, Jesus was such a humble individual to begin with, he did not discriminate.

Some profound perspectives were given by respondents such as what if a man test compatibility and then decides that he is not interested in marrying this young woman, how would that look in the eyes of the church? I would think that any woman with an iota of self worth would not sleep with a man; christian or not- if she is not interested in a long term relationship.
You have no control over how someone will treat you or what they would do after they got what they want from you. You have to find someone that is worth risking everything for.
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Great article
Great article
popularity comes with women and if Christ came from David’s linage the promiscuous blood run through his vains.
The Bible clearly states that sex makes two people as one. We need to reason out thing intelligently. How much time are you going to become one with these men by so-call TESTING THE WATERS? How many man do i have to have sex with before i find who I’m compatible with. Women we are the ones these men are taking disadvantage of. Anyone who have given herself away should knows how if feel to be betrayed and use. Women are the main reasons men behave the way they do. 1st we give birth to them, 2nd we raise them… Read more »
well sad to say many Christians do give their self away long before their wedding, and regrettably so; however it is not an excuse to continue sinning. we live in a society that endorse cheating especially among men, but most times women are the ones end up getting hurt.. we need to STOP making excuses for these men. They don’t CHEAT because they are men, God did not make them so, and if you cannot practice self-control it only means you’re less of a man and more of an animal. Anyone whether male or female who cheat, cheat because THEY… Read more »
Sex should be done in three conditions 1. In the confinement of marriage 2. between one MAN (husband), and One WOMAN (wife) (not under age girls or boys). 3rd in you marriage home (whether ina yuh yaad, or yuh waan go hotel). But ladies seriously, we need to stop lowering our self worth. A man not going make sacrifice, have respect for, value our self-worth, or treat you as you deserve, if you let them think that anything can go. IT’s your body let him respect that.
It might sound cliche, but it still stand true, if he love and respect you, he will honour and respect your decision. This society teach that women should be pure, yet men must play the whores. ladies purity goes both way. God intend that men be pure just as they want women to be.
What do we mean by Christian. Every so call Christians that I know are hypocrites they say one thing and practice something different.
alot of our women/men write these “beautiful well spoken” articles and for what? no matter how beautiful it may sound, you can not change GOD’S IDEAL; which is indisputably unmistakable the BEST CHOICE. you can and should be “”sexual”” with you partner before marriage but it doesn’t mean that you should HAVE SEX, discovering the person’s desires, fantasies, styles, way on thinking on the matter, etc to see compatibility but me talking to my potential spouse about sex doesn’t mean that we gonna have sex, every penis can fit it any vagina as far as i am concerned so its… Read more »
Sex have lost its sacredness by western standard, the same thing can be said about some today s women with their so call women Lib’s who have lost all sense of reality seeking to place limits on the limitless first of all women was made for man not the other way around, why talking about men cheating when western life style is all about using sex appeal in one way or the other to attract men, by African tradition men and women in villages have little or no clothes on and by law there was no reason for lust or… Read more »
I believe the question is mute…..its answer depends solely on the belief in religious dogma…..the reality of the situation is that there always was and there always will be sex outside of marriage…including woman on woman and man on man relationships….the human need and capacity for sex has nothing whatsoever to do with religion…just another example of religious dogma attempting to control human behavior…x
Remember marriage and sex did not go hand in hand with slavery, We where treated like animals to populate the plantation. And after that they gave us religion to further control us. Let us have sex for love mutual respect for one another and don’t brjng any unwanted children in this world.
The Bible speaks clearly to this. It is wrong to have sex b4 marriage! Full stop ! So stop twisting and turning and making a mockery of Jesus who was Mary’s son.
I believe the question is mute…..its answer depends solely on the belief in religious dogma…..the reality of the situation is that there always was and there always will be sex outside of marriage…including woman on woman and man on man relationships….the human need and capacity for sex has nothing whatsoever to do with religion…just another example of religious dogma attempting to control human behavior…x
It might sound cliche, but it still stand true, if he love and respect you, he will honor and respect your decision. This society teach that women should be pure, yet men must play the whores. ladies purity goes both way. God intend that men be pure just as they want women to be. The last time i check everybody born wid virginity. And we need to demand our men to be faithful. i shouldn’t be keeping myself until we get married, while u play the field. stop making excuses for them. YOUR BODY BELONGS TO YOU AND GOD, NO… Read more »
What do we mean by Christian. Every so call Christians that I know are hypocrites they say one thing and practice something different.
well sad to say many Christians do give their self away long before their wedding, and regrettably so; however it is not an excuse to continue sinning. we live in a society that endorse cheating especially among men, but most times women are the ones end up getting hurt.. we need to STOP making excuses for these men. They don’t CHEAT because they are men, God did not make them so, and if you cannot practice self-control it only means you’re less of a man and more of an animal. Anyone whether male or female who cheat, cheat because THEY… Read more »
popularity comes with women and if Christ came from David’s linage the promiscuous blood run through his vains.
Sex have lost its sacredness by western standard, the same thing can be said about some today s women with their so call women Lib’s who have lost all sense of reality seeking to place limits on the limitless first of all women was made for man not the other way around, why talking about men cheating when western life style is all about using sex appeal in one way or the other to attract men, by African tradition men and women in villages have little or no clothes on and by law there was no reason for lust or… Read more »
alot of our women/men write these “beautiful well spoken” articles and for what? no matter how beautiful it may sound, you can not change GOD’S IDEAL; which is indisputably unmistakable the BEST CHOICE. you can and should be “”sexual”” with you partner before marriage but it doesn’t mean that you should HAVE SEX, discovering the person’s desires, fantasies, styles, way on thinking on the matter, etc to see compatibility but me talking to my potential spouse about sex doesn’t mean that we gonna have sex, every penis can fit it any vagina as far as i am concerned so its… Read more »
The Bible clearly states that sex makes two people as one. We need to reason out thing intelligently. How much time are you going to become one with these men by so-call TESTING THE WATERS? How many man do i have to have sex with before i find who I’m compatible with. Women we are the ones these men are taking disadvantage of. Anyone who have given herself away should knows how if feel to be betrayed and use. Women are the main reasons men behave the way they do. 1st we give birth to them, 2nd we raise them… Read more »
Sex should be done in three conditions 1. In the confinement of marriage 2. between one MAN (husband), and One WOMAN (wife) (not under age girls or boys). 3rd in you marriage home (whether ina yuh yaad, or yuh waan go hotel). But ladies seriously, we need to stop lowering our self worth. A man not going make sacrifice, have respect for, value our self-worth, or treat you as you deserve, if you let them think that anything can go. IT’s your body let him respect that.
Great article