Let’s Love Her!
She was made to be loved with the intense longing of a man’s heart and truthful assurance.
She was made to be held so close that no air passes between her body and ours. Her tears were never designed to flow by sadness but to capture her joyous countenance. She was made to be protected by our hands and shielded by our bodies. She was made to be adored, eternally, without reservations or limitations. Her heart was never made to feel the thorns of jealousy or the dagger of betrayal.
Her gift of motherhood makes her so special that she must be revered above all creatures that walk this earth. It is not a question that we love her but a duty that we embrace everything about her. She must not beg for our loyalty or seek affection elsewhere because we are preoccupied with our own desires. Her role has been perfectly designed to make us better men: better providers; better fathers; better lovers; and better companions.
Let’s love her because she was created to fill the voids that we cannot fill ourselves. Let’s give her the respect that’s hers without compromising her dreams or denying her worth. Let’s be patient with her and never judge her but support her without expectations. Let’s keep her as beautiful as she came to us and not break her. Let’s always be there for her, to protect her forever and keep her safe. Let’s give her the best of ourselves and be the man she deserves.

@ PurpleHeart
I am Lyle PurpleHeart
Oakley Lyle is an author and poet – Visit his Facebook Page HERE
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