The Hypocrisy Is Unbearable – RIP Delus
In April of this year (2016), I was asked by the management of reggae/dancehall artist Delus to work promotions on his behalf. I said no initially, as the genre had stressed me to the fullest. I was (and still am) sick of it. The hypocrisy, the hype, the greed, the lack of talent, the lies, the raunchy behaviour, the ridiculousness that’s classified as lyrics, and just about everything about it. I was done, and told his management repeatedly that I wasn’t interested.
I am fully aware there are artists who consistently produce great music, and carry the genre on their shoulders, but this right now is not about them. (Bless up and thank you all same way).
This is about Delus and the hurt and anger that I am feeling.
So in April, after insisting that I was never again doing artist/music promotions, I relented. My reason was simple, Delus’s music and demeanor. He was a humble and talented artist, and his music was straight from the heart. Most people refer to him as Konshens’ brother, but Delus was an artist in his own right.
About this blog and it’s purpose

I got the shock of my life while recently scrolling through Facebook. Kevin Jackson posted RIP to Delus, and I immediately emailed Kevin to clarify. This couldn’t be true I thought (though from a reputable source), no way could Delus be deceased.
In less than an hour my worst fears were confirmed, and sources such as Irie Fm and the Jamaica Star posted headlines of his death from an apparent suicide. (Not buying that suicide theory right now, but that’s neither here nor there). I’ll be patient without speculations for the full story.
So yeah…here is the real reason for this blog. As mentioned above, I was hired to do PR for Delus, and did so in April and May. I sent out thousands of emails with his songs to the media, sound system selectors and radio personalities among others. I can still count on one hand the responses I received. With the exception of Susan Underwood from Island Stage, and Maliika from Reggae Reflections, none of you had the decency to reply to my correspondences, even when personally addressed to you and not via email blasts. Island Stage featured Delus in their May issue.
You guys on social media were no different either. I would post Delus’ music and often times be ignored…no more than one like here or there, and forget about anyone sharing the info…it wasn’t happening.
So imagine my surprise (and disgust) at the overwhelming love Delus is now receiving across the internet. Does he deserve all this love and attention? Of course he does…but why did y’all wait? Why wasn’t his music given all this love and attention when he was alive?
That’s why mi stay cross more time eno, cause I cannot stomach the hypocrisy and insincerity that most a unno possess. I see media houses who shunned him and his music now up in arms. Dem a “grieve” and have the most wonderful things to say about Delus and his music. All that is great, but why wasn’t he told and shown all this love when he was alive? The same music you bigging up this today was there last week; why weren’t you playing and sharing it before? A wha, it neva good then? He wasn’t a wonderful father, artist and person when he was alive? No man…unnu just love hype.
And as for some a unnu on Facebook and Instagram, please spare me! Some of you posting all this RIP and condolences are the same people who read my emails and didn’t even acknowledge the contents…didn’t acknowledge the artist. The same ones who all up on my phone and in my inbox now seeking details to post up on unnu walls for traffic. Unnu want attention and followers. Mi waa fight unnu…all a unnu.
We are living in a sick, sad, loveless society and it hurts. Hurts to realize that the heart of humans can be so callous, so unfeeling, so damn hypocritical.
I am deeply saddened by the passing of this young father, young brother, young son, young artist. An artist who had so much potential, yet never got the recognition he so deserved while he was alive. His music is still here for us to listen, and I hope his words will inspire and bring comfort to someone. May your soul rest in eternal peace Delmark, and my sincerest condolences to Delus’ family members, friends and genuine fans.
-Shilo M. Evans
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