Need Jamaica Worry About Syrian Refugees?
While the Jihadists play havoc and misery in Africa and Europe, especially ISIS and Boko Haram, a refugee crisis has developed in the world.
We in Jamaica should not think that the repercussions or effects cannot be felt here. We can never let our guard down by believing that because we are geographically disconnected from the Middle east or we are a part of the west we are immune.
It is in this regard that I propose that our beloved island culture be maintained by our political directorate and government. We must not and should not open our doors to Syrian Refugees.
In all of this crisis countries of the same ethnic identity have failed to take in these refugees, so why should a small open economy and crime ridden country as ours?
Saudi Arabia with all its oil revenues, Kuwait , Dubai , Qatar, Abu Dabi, Sharjah, and Bahrain with all their oil and natural gas wealth have not taken one iota of Syrian Refugees.
Neither have South Asian countries such as Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia . Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan are also doing very little to help their brothers.
One has to be fair in saying yes there may be Christian Syrians but again the probability of that is so low.
Black people are always “suckers” as it regards their empathy for others but this time the risk is too much. History has proven that when we open up our doors to “Others”, as they develop their cliques and tribes they stab us in our backs.
Let us not fall into this trap and create more problems for our people and I personally implore to the powers that be not to make the foolish move to allow entry of people we have very little or no information on and whose culture remain distant to ours.

Yours sincerely ,
Maurice Christie
Aboukir, St. Ann
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