If I Was JLP Leader, This is What I Would Do
No more than 2 days after the Constitutional Court makes its ruling on undated letters of resignation, I would make a televised address to the nation, which would be something like this:
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
I would like to take the opportunity of expressing my sincere apology for the role I played in using undated letters of resignation to keep Senators in line with my vision regarding the CCJ and Jamaica.
I beg your forgiveness, and most importantly, I humbly beg the forgiveness of Senator Arthur Williams and Senator Christopher Tufton.

I fully accept the ruling of the Constitutional Court that those undated letters of resignation were unconstitutional and unlawful; and as such, I have communicated to Senator Arthur Williams and Senator Christopher Tufton that I am rueful of my action towards them, and ergo would like them to start attending Senate as Senators effective immediately.
Though my action of hanging undated letters over my Senators’ head can be rightfully considered as vindictive, I must say that I had never sought to act in any way contrary to the Constitution and laws of Jamaica.
That is why I entrusted the research and implementation of those letters to Attorney-at-law Arthur Williams along with a team of other Attorneys.
Let me say unambiguously that I was not, at any point prior to my use of those undated letters, apprised by Attorney Arthur Williams or any of his team of Attorneys that those letters were unconstitutional and unlawful.
However, I will not even try to use ignorance as an excuse for hanging those undated letters of resignation over my Senators’ head; and I have already returned those undated letters to all my Senators, and apprised them that no more shall there be any form of manipulative tool hanging over their head.
In closing, let me say that I have already contacted Mr. Reid and Dr. Clarke to humbly ask them not to attend anymore Senate meetings. I thank you.