Jamaican entertainer Luciano heads to Africa despite rising fears of Ebola (Updated)
Jamaican reggae singer Luciano departed the island on Saturday to perform in Malawi and South Africa despite growing fears of Ebola.
According to Loop Jamaica, the entertainer left the island to do shows in both countries despite rising fears in Jamaica that the Ebola virus which is ravishing the western areas of the African continent could reach local shores.
Those fears have been heightened since an article emerged last week that Malawi’s porous borders could put that country at risk. On August 28th, the Nyasa Times reported that two refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo ran away from health officials who had isolated them to be scanned to confirm if they had the deadly Ebola virus before they could enter the country.

The refugees had been exhibiting the tell-tale symptoms of the disease which mimic those of malaria, including a fever.
Jamaican entertainment manager and tour organiser Copeland Forbes told Loop News that Luciano left the island on Saturday.
“I spoke to his manager Sonia over the weekend and she told me had left on Saturday. I was surprised because I thought that he was not going to go again because he was supposed to leave at the end of September. When I spoke to her, I asked if he still wanted to chance it, and she said yes, and I said, well, if that is the case, I wish him all the best then,” Forbes said.
Should persons begin canceling trips to Africa now? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Loop Jamaica
The Jamaican Blogs™ has received word from a booking agent for Luciano that all scheduled performance dates in Africa have been canceled. The artiste is now in the island.
Luciano Messenjah did not go to Africa…
Cancel all flights going n coming from Africa
He should have cancelled his trip know the situation he’s put other Jamaican citizens at risk for his own selfish reason
There have been no reported cases of ebola in either Malawi or South Africa so why shouldn’t he go? Mario & Melissa stop being paranoid about Africa !!!
This goes to show how slack our authorities are. How could something like this be allowed. He better don’t come back here.
Please get your facts correct..luciano is still in the island..we cancel all the dates in Africa!!!
There are no Cases of Ebolamin South Africa.i don’t know about Malawi!what about the Chikungunya in JA?lol…
No cases in either Malawi or South Africa. People need to educate themselves.
Delva …. There is no ebola in South Africa so where are your facts coming from?
Delva …. There is no ebola in South Africa so where are your facts coming from?
Delva …. There is no ebola in South Africa so where are your facts coming from?
Hey, Africa is a continent! It´s closer to Europe from the affected Ebola areas than it is to East Africa.. Kenya closed its boarders to travelers from West African countries affected by the Ebola outbreak in AUGUST… Spain is yet still open and there has been a ebola case recently… should we tell people not to travel to Europe as well(maybe we should but nobody would listen)? Spread knowledge not fear, people in affected areas does not know how this disease works, thank god for musicians(spreading knowledge thru music to those who can´t read) and doctors without boarders who are… Read more »
I don’t care where in Africa have it he should cancel his trip. This is scary and we don’t even have protective gear at our health facilities so why the he’ll him gone to Africa.
Govt to issue court orders to them saying they can’t travel if it can be done
Govt to issue court orders to them saying they can’t travel if it can be done
Hope he don’t return
he is sooooo greedy its disgusting.
i bid di I a safe journey I sah! I an I would also like to wish di I an enjoyable and successful trip!! i would also aks you fi sen fi all yu valuables an stay dere an doe come back! i an i nah wish no harm pan a man so i a hope yu go an tek care ayuself n nuh ketch nutn at all! but i an i would also love fi see my appropriate personnel ensure yu nuh come back ya…at least for now… #stupiditycomesinmanyforms
If he wants to go let him …but hope he knws its a one way ticket he should booked
Honestly if luciano gone to africa he better stay there cuz if he comes back he will undoubtedly be sick…government u better ban him from coming back here he always wanted a one way ticket to africa….that was it
No cases of Ebola cases anywhere but 4 countries in West Africa and 1 in Spain. South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe have never had a single case of Ebola in the history of the world. You guys do not even browse these things? Or at least go on to the World Health Organization page for facts. At least confirm with your Jamaican High Commissioner in South Africa, that’s one of the reasons he is there isn’t it?. This is sad.
There is no Ebola here in Malawi and Malawians travel to South Africa every day, none has come back infected with the virus. You are so disconnected from the whole world, you should check the facts before you think Africa is as disease prone as some of you think. Mnqxiii
There is no Ebola here in Malawi and Malawians travel to South Africa every day, none has come back infected with the virus. You are so disconnected from the whole world, you should check the facts before you think Africa is as disease prone as some of you think. Mnqxiii
There is no Ebola here in Malawi and Malawians travel to South Africa every day, none has come back infected with the virus. You are so disconnected from the whole world, you should check the facts before you think Africa is as disease prone as some of you think. Mnqxiii
Hello, the Dark Ages called! They want their Jamaicans back! So ignorant..
Cancel the flights coming in from Africa and quarantine all persons who have visited Africa in recent times. If you want to go, go at your own risk……..you should not be allowed to come back!
so If there is a case when he reaches then what, we don’t wait for disaster to happen, we prepare. preparing in this situation means also to avoid, is he that desperate. if he shud cum back with it isolate and 1 bullet to the head….
The level of ignorance being displayed by afro-jamaicans is very disappointing. There have been more reported cases of Ebola in the USA than South Africa & Zimbabwe combined. So why are Americans still being allowed into Jamaica and Jamaicans still travelling to the USA?
Well there was no cases in the US until a man died from it. you have a continent of people no matter how big it is with alot dead or dying from it. and you risk a small island overrun with chickv that the Gov. is barely handling. Some officials have been force to admit its air born so technical once your in Africa there is some risk even if its a 1% chance to catch a life fatal disease. Think its just pride and stupidity? The average Jamaica feels there invincible and takes on fights with sickness as if… Read more »
There is no ebola in Malawi and South Africa. Both countries are thousands of miles away from the 5 countries in West Africa where ebola has been an issue. Asking people to cancel trips to the entire continent of Africa is misguided.
a notice luciano a look
Dont let him back in the country if he cant hear
I hope they post him back where him coming from when him try to come back to Jamaica.
I hope they post him back where him coming from when him try to come back to Jamaica.
I hope they post him back where him coming from when him try to come back to Jamaica.