Estimated 25,000 people gather at CAUSE Rally against “homosexual agenda” (Updated)
An estimated 25,000 persons gathered at the Jamaica CAUSE rally in Half Way Tree on Sunday evening (June 29) in support of a number of issues affecting the nation.
The rally which was organized by local church group, Jamaica Churches Action Uniting Society for Emancipation aims to motivate Jamaicans to stand up against the repeal of the buggery law,against the homosexual agenda among other things.
Thousands of members from the Christian and Muslim community attended to show their support.
The rally which was started by the lobby group “Jamaica CAUSE” began from the UWI, Mona campus, and culminated in a march in Half-Way-Tree.
Jamaica Cause was established following the sacking of Professor Brendan Bain as Director of the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training (CHART) Network.
This came in the wake of his appearance on behalf of a church group in a high profile case involving a gay man in Belize.
Helene Coley Nicholson, Member of the Jamaica CAUSE Secretariat also told RJR News ahead of the rally that the agenda of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex, LGBTI community, was a cause for concern.
She said Jamaica CAUSE stood firmly in opposition to the agenda, which she claimed, seeks to reorganise the society to make all sexual expressions free, and punish those in opposition.

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Finally brethren!
Finally brethren!
They are godless. Judge not lest ye be judged.
i am strongly a supporter of this movement , but we all have to remove the unseen power behined this pleage diseases , england who is pushing it, get reid of the governorgeneral england figer head .have a referendum put the country as a repbulic state away wth england
People need to allow others to be who they are I may not like their lifestyle but who is this movement to judge maybe the time would be better spent helping the homeless., children &widows, also the elderly.This movement is nothing but a bunch of Zealots
People need to allow others to be who they are I may not like their lifestyle but who is this movement to judge maybe the time would be better spent helping the homeless., children &widows, also the elderly.This movement is nothing but a bunch of Zealots
Okay I’m not understanding what the LGBTI have to be so important…..When there is people out there that needs Jobs…..A homes to live….Can hardly buy food… No job that a person can send there kids to school…. A church is behaving this way?…..How can you use the bible and do wrong….this movement is judging a person home and life…. Wow are we to do such things… The time would be better spent helping the homeless., children & country to be a better place also the elderly.This movement is nothing but a bunch of bullshit….
Okay I’m not understanding what the LGBTI have to be so important…..When there is people out there that needs Jobs…..A homes to live….Can hardly buy food… No job that a person can send there kids to school…. A church is behaving this way?…..How can you use the bible and do wrong….this movement is judging a person home and life…. Wow are we to do such things… The time would be better spent helping the homeless., children & country to be a better place also the elderly.This movement is nothing but a bunch of bullshit….
YES ignorance is very much a live all over the world, get it right please haters are not people of god so stop promoting their BS.
YES ignorance is very much a live all over the world, get it right please haters are not people of god so stop promoting their BS.
People Priorities are so messed up. This movement should be geared in the development of the country and not who individuals choose to rest their heads with. This is not beneficial to the development of the economy. And clearly they don’t understand the buggery law. And how on earth did they come up with a “gay Agenda”?
what about a march for jobs,the economy and crime?????i think thts wat plaguing us the most than homosexuality. whilst i understand tht our opinion is slowly taking away,I think our daily struggles to survive shouldve been first{my opinion}….
A bunch of idiots, the government wins again, not too long ago the budget was read n no one marched… its pretty easy to sway our minds away from wat is important – job creations, better roads, school systems, infrastructure- we continue to play the damn fool by allow the government to side track us with things that will neva affect us… when was the last time you heard of someone being brought to court because he bugged someone? smh…. move on people, LGBT folks cant destroy norms that dont exist.
lmao lol. Muslims and Christians stand for a cause, that’s so nice. When our kids are being raped, abused, left mother and fatherless by criminals. where was the cry for our moral sanity. The gays better fly out and form their “leprosy colony” lol
They are problem we are face in Jamaica we are the contributor of these problem the bible said Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘What do you mean by this proverb concerning the land of Israel saying, ‘The fathers eat the sour grapes, But the children’s teeth are set on edge’? As I live,’ declares the Lord God, ‘you are surely not going to use this proverb in Israel anymore.” (EZEKIEL 18:1-3). It had become a fashionable thing to say, a common excuse to blame the plight of the nation of Jamaica on the previous generations.… Read more »
Jamaicans make this a priority? Wow!
Other than the fact they have hurt us, it doesn’t undermine that we also have hurt them, probably do to poor handling of the situation. God doesn’t hate them, nor do I, but the act itself is sickening, and has no substance, it is perversion in the most overzealous manner, its not their fault really, influence had fallen upon them overtime for them to become like this. The source of it must be and truly is evil, if they are gay, then they must seek help SPIRITUALLY, which is a just as strong emotional act, that may truly help them,… Read more »
im with this 100% those who have negative thing to say are those who have formed these kinds of relationships or have relatives or friend that are gay, lesbians, etc and are reluctant to accept to plain truth that this is wrong . God made adam and eve male and female to be together so why are u alowing the devil to change this smh.
Meanwhile… Kids are still being rape and murdered, exchange rate is through the roof and the country is in a sinkhole. But that’s not something to march about. What people do in dem own private time is the problem. Ah bouy!
Mrs. Foley-Nicholson’s concerns should be her life, her family, her soul and the answers she will provide, when St. Peter ask her for the password to Heaven. All of this is such a huge sham, a gimmick, a circus. The next step will be to organize a burning in the very said square… and the burning will include all who does not have sex in the missionary position, all who engages in fellatio and cunnilingus. I am guessing it will also mean a burning for all those Priests who molest young boys, all those Fathers who have sex with their… Read more »
if you want these gays poeple to leave jamaica you will ofto get rid of J-FLAG in order to stop them J-FLAG is the mother of all gays
I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay and you guys have nothing better to do with your lives. Get a job. Maybe go buy some clothes because most of you look rough. On the other hand, this homosexual has a great job, a great car and a great place to live. I also support sensible causes. I raise money for homeless children you ignorant people.
Have another look at the narrative in Genesis 19 and notice how violent the people of Sodom were, they threatened to do violence to Lot if he did not allow them to have sex with the “men” who came to visit him….Notice too that Lot had “sons-in-law” they were obviously bi-sexuals and his wife might have been mixed up in it or just had wonderful friends of the “rainbow” stripes whose company she enjoyed more than the wor of God…but you know the end of the story. God will stand up and do what He will do when man has… Read more »
Have another look at the narrative in Genesis 19 and notice how violent the people of Sodom were, they threatened to do violence to Lot if he did not allow them to have sex with the “men” who came to visit him….Notice too that Lot had “sons-in-law” they were obviously bi-sexuals and his wife might have been mixed up in it or just had wonderful friends of the “rainbow” stripes whose company she enjoyed more than the wor of God…but you know the end of the story. God will stand up and do what He will do when man has… Read more »
People need to allow others to be who they are I may not like their lifestyle but who is this movement to judge maybe the time would be better spent helping the homeless., children &widows, also the elderly.This movement is nothing but a bunch of Zealots
Finally brethren!
Okay I’m not understanding what the LGBTI have to be so important…..When there is people out there that needs Jobs…..A homes to live….Can hardly buy food… No job that a person can send there kids to school…. A church is behaving this way?…..How can you use the bible and do wrong….this movement is judging a person home and life…. Wow are we to do such things… The time would be better spent helping the homeless., children & country to be a better place also the elderly.This movement is nothing but a bunch of bullshit….
They are godless. Judge not lest ye be judged.
what about a march for jobs,the economy and crime?????i think thts wat plaguing us the most than homosexuality. whilst i understand tht our opinion is slowly taking away,I think our daily struggles to survive shouldve been first{my opinion}….
People Priorities are so messed up. This movement should be geared in the development of the country and not who individuals choose to rest their heads with. This is not beneficial to the development of the economy. And clearly they don’t understand the buggery law. And how on earth did they come up with a “gay Agenda”?
A bunch of idiots, the government wins again, not too long ago the budget was read n no one marched… its pretty easy to sway our minds away from wat is important – job creations, better roads, school systems, infrastructure- we continue to play the damn fool by allow the government to side track us with things that will neva affect us… when was the last time you heard of someone being brought to court because he bugged someone? smh…. move on people, LGBT folks cant destroy norms that dont exist.
i am strongly a supporter of this movement , but we all have to remove the unseen power behined this pleage diseases , england who is pushing it, get reid of the governorgeneral england figer head .have a referendum put the country as a repbulic state away wth england
Meanwhile… Kids are still being rape and murdered, exchange rate is through the roof and the country is in a sinkhole. But that’s not something to march about. What people do in dem own private time is the problem. Ah bouy!
lmao lol. Muslims and Christians stand for a cause, that’s so nice. When our kids are being raped, abused, left mother and fatherless by criminals. where was the cry for our moral sanity. The gays better fly out and form their “leprosy colony” lol
YES ignorance is very much a live all over the world, get it right please haters are not people of god so stop promoting their BS.
Have another look at the narrative in Genesis 19 and notice how violent the people of Sodom were, they threatened to do violence to Lot if he did not allow them to have sex with the “men” who came to visit him….Notice too that Lot had “sons-in-law” they were obviously bi-sexuals and his wife might have been mixed up in it or just had wonderful friends of the “rainbow” stripes whose company she enjoyed more than the wor of God…but you know the end of the story. God will stand up and do what He will do when man has… Read more »
Other than the fact they have hurt us, it doesn’t undermine that we also have hurt them, probably do to poor handling of the situation. God doesn’t hate them, nor do I, but the act itself is sickening, and has no substance, it is perversion in the most overzealous manner, its not their fault really, influence had fallen upon them overtime for them to become like this. The source of it must be and truly is evil, if they are gay, then they must seek help SPIRITUALLY, which is a just as strong emotional act, that may truly help them,… Read more »
I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay and you guys have nothing better to do with your lives. Get a job. Maybe go buy some clothes because most of you look rough. On the other hand, this homosexual has a great job, a great car and a great place to live. I also support sensible causes. I raise money for homeless children you ignorant people.
Mrs. Foley-Nicholson’s concerns should be her life, her family, her soul and the answers she will provide, when St. Peter ask her for the password to Heaven. All of this is such a huge sham, a gimmick, a circus. The next step will be to organize a burning in the very said square… and the burning will include all who does not have sex in the missionary position, all who engages in fellatio and cunnilingus. I am guessing it will also mean a burning for all those Priests who molest young boys, all those Fathers who have sex with their… Read more »
im with this 100% those who have negative thing to say are those who have formed these kinds of relationships or have relatives or friend that are gay, lesbians, etc and are reluctant to accept to plain truth that this is wrong . God made adam and eve male and female to be together so why are u alowing the devil to change this smh.
Jamaicans make this a priority? Wow!
They are problem we are face in Jamaica we are the contributor of these problem the bible said Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘What do you mean by this proverb concerning the land of Israel saying, ‘The fathers eat the sour grapes, But the children’s teeth are set on edge’? As I live,’ declares the Lord God, ‘you are surely not going to use this proverb in Israel anymore.” (EZEKIEL 18:1-3). It had become a fashionable thing to say, a common excuse to blame the plight of the nation of Jamaica on the previous generations.… Read more »
if you want these gays poeple to leave jamaica you will ofto get rid of J-FLAG in order to stop them J-FLAG is the mother of all gays