
Tropical Storm Bret Approaches Lesser Antilles: Jamaica on Alert, Other Islands Issue Watches

According to Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie, authorities are closely monitoring Tropical Storm Bret as it approaches the Lesser Antilles.

The tropical storm is gaining strength and is on a trajectory towards the Windward Islands, with maximum sustained winds of approximately 65 miles per hour.

As a result, several countries have issued storm watches in response.

Mr. McKenzie, speaking in St. Elizabeth on Wednesday, emphasized that Jamaica is on high alert. Although no action has been taken yet, precautionary measures are in place and readiness is being ensured.


The minister assured the nation that appropriate responses will be implemented after assessing the situation towards the end of the week.

Currently, a tropical storm warning has been issued for St. Lucia and Martinique, while Barbados and Dominica are under a tropical storm watch, as Tropical Storm Bret approaches the Lesser Antilles.

The weather system is expected to pass over these islands late on Thursday and Thursday night, posing risks of flooding due to heavy rainfall, strong winds, and hazardous coastal waves.

The National Hurricane Centre based in the United States has stated that due to uncertainties in the track and intensity forecasts, it is still too early to determine the precise location and magnitude of the potential hazards associated with Tropical Storm Bret.

Tropical Storm Bret does not currently pose a threat to Jamaica.

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