Forever Grateful ‘Butch’
How can I not say something?
The news hit me like a brick as much as anyone else.
How can I not say something about a man who gave a young man, with no experience, the opportunity of a lifetime and exposed and taught me everything I know in tourism for over 30 years?
How can I not say something about a man who proved and taught me that it doesn’t take a PhD to run a business, you just need to be consistently committed to your goals and dreams.
I started missing him when I left Sandals in 2012. You see I was one of Butch’s people, one of his originals, one that bought into his dream and influenced hundreds of guests to wave at a flying plane overhead and kiss the one next to you because they are leaving Jamaica but you are still at Sandals.
Yes Butch turned a noisy, sprawling hotel at the foot of a runway into a world-class tourism hegemony and he, Jamaica and the Caribbean made their footprint as wide as Butch’s dreams.
Good is not enough to describe him.
Was he perfect? Nope. Who is?
But his heart was always in the right place. His heart was always seen in his smile and his ability to see YOU and listen to YOU, even when he was greeting many around him, you always got the feeling he was looking and speaking to YOU personally. And on days when you felt like throwing in the towel and calling it quits at the unrelenting pace of Sandals that Butch smile was always the anchor to keep you going.
He helped thousands.
He helped me.
He may even have disappointed many but above it all he was real; what you saw was what you got.
His legacy will go on for a long, long time.
We lost an icon, a trail blazer , an innovator, a competitor, an achiever but more importantly a kind , honourable and friendly man.
I can only say a million thanks to him for giving me unprecedented trust and guidance.
What a Man, what a Man, what a Man, what a mighty good Man.
RIP Butch. Love Forever.?

Written by Paul Tomlinson (c) – Check out his website HERE
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