
Disaster Zone

I went to Mega Mart

Early Sunday morn

I wanted to be there

Before a crowd spawned


poemsIt was my first time out

Since we’re a disaster Zone

I wanted to be careful

So I went alone

When I got inside

The shelves weren’t empty

Not what I expected


It seemed plenty

I saw a woman and her daughter

In matching pairs

Of surgical mask and gloves

Picking up wears

People did their shopping

And generally kept far apart

Or was that my imagination

As I filled my cart


A voice said Sir you’re tall

Could you reach that for me

She wore a face mask and gloves

And  she was a short lady

They were out of alcohol

But they did have bleach

I was worried it would be chaotic

Before I reached.

It was a bit unnerving

Some things didn’t feel real


As I checked out then packed the car

And sat behind the wheel

Rohan Goldsmith © 15-3-2020

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