Jamaican Proverbs

Jamaican Proverbs

1.“Pot pon fire  don’t cry for hungry.” 

This means to be patient.

2.“Every dog and puss have dem 4 o’clock.”

Everyone has a time limit.


3.“When neighbour beard catch fire, teck wata damp your own.”

When you see trouble, learn from it and prevent the same.

learn some proverbs4.“You ramp wid pickney, but you share him salt-ting different.”

You can be friendly with children but you must also draw the line with them.

5.“Shet mout’ nuh catch fly.”

You cannot get anything with your mouth closed.

6.“Tom drunk but Tom nuh fool!”


Someone pretending to be innocent to gain knowledge.

7.“Monkey waan pants, him fi know whey him put him tail.”

Sacrifice in order to gain something.

8.“Meck me ears nyam grass.” Be silent.

9.When dish towel tun table clat, it mash up everyting!”

Get promoted, you hold down everybody else.

10.“When plantain waan dead, it shoot!”

Sexual satisfaction is achieved when needed.

11.“A nuh everyday monkey waan wife!”


Sex is not needed all the time.

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Richard Barrett
Richard Barrett
5 years ago

What kind of perverted mind you are talking about “when plantain wah dead it shoot”, like that’s not mean and if you don’t know what it mean leave it out as you will make people get in trouble and cause problem when they come to do their research.

Lyssette Hawthorne-Wilson
Lyssette Hawthorne-Wilson
5 years ago

Shoot means growth. its a proverb.

Richard Barrett
Richard Barrett
5 years ago

Yes I know but real the proverbs talk about being threatened as “when Plantain wah dead it shoot” which means after a plantain plant bears and you harvest the fruit, you generally cut the plant down because it eventually die anyway. So when a person uses this proverb on you they are asking if you want an early death not any sexual pleasure.

Lyssette Hawthorne-Wilson
Lyssette Hawthorne-Wilson
5 years ago

Ok, thanks.