Jamaican Queen
A radiant smile like sunshine
Captivating eyes like the stars
You had us in eager anticipation
With such balance and poise
You stood tall and elegant
With hair so natural and pure
Bringing sirens of cheer
From an electrifying crowd

Your tropical beauty rings true
With your flawlessly elegant tone
Bearing our ancestral roots
Through skin made of bronze
In the midst of many beauties
You took the world by storm
Showing our many cultural riches
In the creative attires that were worn
With a model’s frame you posed
Making anxious leaps in our heart
Beautiful and enchanting like a rose
As we followed your dream from the start
You did us proud with humility and grace
So much that we’ve fallen hard for you
And our adoration is to say we appreciate
That you are still a queen in our hearts too
Beside you, we’ll take as many steps
That you’ll make to impact this world
Because you are one of the very best
Jamaican queen of black, green and gold
@ PurpleHeart
I am Lyle PurpleHeart
Oakley Lyle is an author and poet – Visit his Facebook Page HERE
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