VIDEO: North-South Link of Highway 2000 Completed
Jamaica’s road infrastructure has received a significant boost with the completion of another crucial segment of Highway 2000.
While there has not been an official opening, motorists began using the newly opened North-South link which stretches from the Caymanas intersection to Mammee Bay in St Ann yesterday.
Highway 2000 is Jamaica’s 230-kilometer highway connecting Kingston with Montego Bay and Ocho Rios, passing through the parishes of St. Catherine, Manchester, Saint Elizabeth, Westmoreland, Hanover, and Saint Ann.
The highway is a four-to-six lane controlled-access, tolled motorway with grade-separated interchanges and intersections built according to modern international standards.
Tolling of the highway is governed by a Tolling Policy.
According to the Observer, it was built at acost of $US 730 million.
Its total length is 66 km.
See a video of the highway by Digital Video Concept below:
[fbvideo link=”” width=”694″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

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