
Understanding Why The PNP Lost The Election

It is never a question that Mrs. Simpson Miller is academically qualified and has achieved higher learning, contrary to what the grape vine says.

She ought to be capable of doing many things. After all, her initial work experience started with her doing secretarial work. It should add to the thought that she can multitask well.

Criticizing her leadership style is quite hypocritical too. How many of us are leaders? How many of us have led? How many of us have the drive to lead?

However, her arrogance can never be measured against her accomplishments because the former affects the latter. It is this arrogance that we tend to refer to as dunce, which clearly speaks to attitude.


To rise among a bunch of hardened men takes more than balls and she has proven that. Her biggest flaw is that while she would’ve excelled at the secretarial level; functioned satisfactorily at the MP level; and elevate herself to the top post within her party, she just can’t handle the many tentacles of government.

Does the prime minister care about the country?
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She was overwhelmed by the different areas requiring attention and the decisions that fell short of research. She is a good politician and leader at different levels but is no good at running a country. Her deficiencies weren’t as a result of poor education, it was due to inefficiencies in her entire team. This rendered her ineffective and left her with a failing grade.

Yet, we must ask ourselves, is it because she’s a woman why she met with internal sabotage and disrespect? My answer would be no. She failed because she chose the wrong team; gave them the wrong portfolios; and exercised too much political loyalty. She missed the first rule of politics which is to never trust anyone who can only be a politician!

Her team was like sheep with one major difference. A sheep’s duty is to follow which shows obedience. In the same breath a sheep not only follows, it provides wool. That in itself determines purpose and defines service.


Oakley Lyle is an author and poet – Visit his Facebook Page HERE

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Oakley Lyle

Oakley Lyle is an author and poet - Visit his Facebook Page HERE