
Four Persons Shot in St James

Persons residing in Canterbury – St James, a community located on the outskirts of Montego Bay are now living in fear after the most recent shooting that took place in that community on Monday night.

According to initial reports from the Corporate Communications Unit (CCU), a group of Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) campaign workers was startled by a car, when a man alighted the vehicle and proceeded to fire shots at them.

After the shooting, four workers were rushed to the Cornwall Regional Hospital, where they are undergoing treatment.

The shooter then reportedly re-entered the motor vehicle, and departed the scene quickly.


This is the third incident in St James in which JLP supporters have been shot.

Four have died in the separate shootings, while the police contend that the previous incidents at a JLP mass meeting in Sam Sharpe Square, and days later in Flanker, were gang-related.

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Source: Loop Jamaica

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