5 Reasons Why I Packed My Children Off to Jamaica
The day my British-born nine-year-old son was not allowed to play Beethoven’s “Fleur de lis” at his school’s Talent Show because the head teacher said other pupils would “feel awkward”, was the day I pulled him out.
After two years of home tutoring and harassment from the Local Authority, we packed him and his younger sister off to Jamaica for their education.
It was not an easy emotional ride for all of us, but five reasons pushed us:
In both primary and secondary schools in Jamaica, discipline is firm, even though corporal punishment was recently abolished. In primary schools, pupils may be in large classes – up to 60 pupils sometimes – but they sit in neat, orderly rows and are expected to raise their hand before speaking. The discipline is not harsh but children are expected to show respect.

I do not think I was paranoid in thinking my son was not given the chance to shine at the talent concert because he was a black pupil. Also, black boys are five times more likely to be excluded from formal education than white boys, for the same offence. When my son said to me: “Mom, I am glad you sent me to Jamaica. I am a boy, not a BLACK boy,” we both knew the score.
In Jamaica, both children were given the chance to excel in a more competitive classroom and if you are the “class clown” you are scorned. In Britain, if you are the class clown, you are admired by your peers ad ignored by the teacher.
In England, my children might not have been taught by male black teachers, scarce in the education system. In Jamaica, they saw black male teachers, professionals, politicians etc.
I sent my children to Knox College and Westwood High School respectively. Term fees amounted to JA$20,000 each term. They received education on par with Eaton College and other public schools in England.
I would have had to pay about £10,000 per term for that! Say no more……

By Neo Makeba