The Mother in Law Syndrome – A Jamaican Woman’s Perspective
I keep saying that I wish our black women would stop raising their sons to be like the n*ggas who left them.
I see mothers covering for their deadbeat sons, putting some other child’s mother through the same ordeal, her babyfather put her through.
We have spent the last few decades blaming absentee fathers for the lack of “graces” among our young men forgetting that they are raised by women. Women have always been other women’s worst enemies. Maybe we need to start asking our mothers, what have they been doing wrong. Trying to smother the only man who won’t leave them because he can’t, he’s biologically linked to her. Trying to make up for the man or men who dumped her.
Mothers often times end up raising monstrous, spoiled brats and then unleashing them on the female population. What we have today is a culture of men raised like daughters who do not know how to be a partner, a man and a father.
Now we have a society of young men who want woman to “mind” them and mama is completely okay with that notion albeit she would never mind a man.

Mothers in law who deliberately tell their sons not to take care of a child, citing ‘it’ as being a ‘jacket’ simply because they do not like the girl their son is dating, putting some other woman through the same stress that their son’s father put her through.
Many times women say that their sons are like their fathers but when examined closely, one would realize that the father didn’t raise him, therefore he is not like his father, he is more often like her. We have not yet fully understood the role that genes play in the outcome of an individual. I’ve seen several men neglect their children solely because their mothers told them that the child was not theirs.
“”Make the Dutty Gyal Galang bout her business, a you she want give jacket fe mind after she up and down with man and ray ray”
Mama is not entirely responsible, because she is not a man and therefore she can’t raise him to be one. God knows a lot of mothers endeavour to raise children with acceptable morals and values.
But if I went on a hunt for good mothers in law: women who are unbiased in their relationship with their child and his spouse, I’d come back with a few dimes. Every other woman would have a horror story to tell about her mother in law.
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I have a great mother in law, who raised her sons to be real men. She was mother and father to them and they turned out to be men with high standards and good morals.