Scandal in Education – ‘SBA for Sale!’
Scandal in Education – The ubiquity of tertiary Students Paying for their Research and Projects
In the Star newspaper of this week, I glanced at the first page reading the caption SBA for Sale.
It is not surprising as a deep analysis of the education shows a moral breakdown since the mid 2000’s.
Persons cheating their way out of the educational system and having ghost individuals doing assignments and exams are nothing new but a degree of laziness and poor ethics now permeates academia.
I believe at least 30 percent of college students especially from teacher’s college and those in education at the University of the West Indies have been paying seasoned researchers to complete their research. It is more evident especially for those involved in Quantitative Research designs. Here, the inability to use software programs such as SPSS means savvy students market themselves attracting fees as high as $200,000.00 to complete research for students especially those who are working and have the cash.

For those of us who went to university and those who did A levels at evening classes in the 1980’s , we were willing to “do over” our examinations even when we failed two or three times. Not so with those seeking tertiary education today. They will obtain their degrees if it means selling their bodies and souls and some have been doing just that. I personally have been approached many times and offered financial rewards to assist with writing research proposals for students. In fact I have even been promised ‘the flesh’ from a married person to complete a research paper.
In the late 80’s and 90’s we also learned of lecturers giving grades for sex. It is common knowledge that this continues and perhaps more frequently at our universities and colleges. In conversation with my daughter who is on a Cultural Exchange, she informed me that female cohorts have revealed how prominent lecturers at our “esteemed” university, in particular in the Social Sciences are abusing their positions. This includes young lecturers, some who are prominent in the media. I was not surprised as we know that several Public service heads have had affairs with lecturers back in those days.
We need a university and college board to have non class lecturers examining and probing students’ research papers based on their past performance in classes and quality of their work. The cheaters and hijackers of the research system in particular are all too smart so plagiarism will never be their downfall but they sit easily while others produce their work meticulously. A personal example was sitting one night in a post grad room. At least three telephone calls came to past students in government who discussed massive fees to complete research for students in education who cannot be bothered to do their work. I was appalled at where education has arrived. No longer can we blame students who buy American papers as Kingston is rife with degrees obtained without work or labour of the student in question. Yes, do not be fooled not all the diplomas and degrees floating around have merit. ‘Dollars running things’ in Jamaica. Education is now on par with North America and India , countries where many degrees are questionable.
Winston Donald
I am a bit disappointed that you mentioned persons within the field of education. I beg to disagree with the statement
This is so true people are paying for their research to be done and get degrees without sweating for it.
I suppose you have not yet reached the stage in your studies where you are taught the difference in value between empirical and anecdotal evidence to give credence to your claims