“Action, Not a Bag a Mouth” is What We Need
It has come to my understanding that the number murders committed in Jamaica since January has surpassed the 450 mark.
So my question is this, seeing that that the PNP cannot manage the high incidences of crime that is taking over the country, what is the position of the opposition should they win the next election in combating this monster?
I keep hearing that the JLP is leading in the polls, that UWI Students support Mr. Holness and all the other noise from supporters that say the JLP is better than the PNP.
One should NOT have to wait until after the elections if the JLP does win to hear what solutions they have, and I want no one to come and tell me the the JLP cannot afford to speak on these things as the PNP will steal their ideas. That is total rubbish.

If people are being asked to vote JLP then by GOD they should at least have an idea what they are voting for. Promises cannot fix a country that is broken. People need to hear solutions and how they intend to go about making sure those solutions fall into place.
Saying the PNP is in power so therefore they are the ones to answer those questions is also total rubbish, as common sense would dictate that IF as the GOVERNING PARTY they are not doing what needs to be done,then the OPPOSITION needs to show the people that they the JLP are a a viable OPTION and can do better.
This ‘bag a talk’, posing for pictures, and shouting “Shower”, cannot fix the problems we are a facing as a country.
As the song says “ACTION AND NOT A BAG A MOUTH” is what we need.
Why the emphasis on the Jlp to tell and not the govt. to do what they were elected to do.Well the PNp never told anything they were going to do yet they are govt.so the Jlp must tell because them fool more than the PNP? Hell nooooo!