Jamaica For Sale
It is amazing how as Jamaicans we boast about Jamaicans who have made it overseas, for example Jamaican Makes History as Canada’s First Black Police Chief.
You all know what I am talking about.
Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying we should not be proud, however while we heap accolades and sing praises about the ones who have made it overseas, the question has to be asked.
What exactly are we doing as it relates to what is taking place at home?
When our beaches and landmarks such as our international airport are up for bids, it is a clear indication that our country Jamaica is screwed!

It’s amazing how we want to boast about independence when our dollar has no value, Mexicans have the most shares in the airport at Montego Bay, health care is a joke, murders since the start of the year 2015 have already surpassed 300, Children are being RAPED, MURDERED, ABUSED, and not a darn thing is being done about it.
Every thing that we hold TRUE and DEAR that spells Jamaica is being sold out from under us, and we all remain silent.
It’s amazing how we have opinions on which political party is the WORST and which is the BEST, yet for 50 odd years BOTH parties have ruled and where are we today?
But yet we find the time to cuss each other every day as we draw political lines and praise inept politicians, forgetting that at the drop of a hat the very same politicians we give praises to really do not care.
When they are sick, where do they go? OVERSEAS
When their bank accounts are LARGE, where are their savings kept? OVERSEAS
When they vacation, where do they go? OVERSEAS
And yet we fail to hold them accountable and glorify them as gods and goddesses. What a sad set of people we are.
Ignorance, Illiteracy, and political tribalism is killing us, and sadly not too many of us are willing to see it, and too many of us have accepted it.
I suspect that at some point Jamaicans will be placed on auction blocks and sold to the highest bidders. OH WELL WHO CARES?
As long as we can give accolades to Andrew, Portia and all the others, everything criss inna JAMROCK. SMDH
Correction First for TORONTO not Canada as he is the second or third for Canada
Correction First for TORONTO not Canada as he is the second or third for Canada
Well written and so true
It would be good if we had him in Jamaica on our police force to weed out the corruption. Otherwise, sadly I agree with every last word you said.
It would be good if we had him in Jamaica on our police force to weed out the corruption. Otherwise, sadly I agree with every last word you said.
It would be good if we had him in Jamaica on our police force to weed out the corruption. Otherwise, sadly I agree with every last word you said.
We must be careful not to be the worst embassadors of our country. Though all is not where we would like it to be at this time the country has moved ahead in some positive directions. For most developing countries the same can be said. Progress takes time, hard work, dedication and commitment. The fact is the country must denationalize to pursue growth and development. It’s obvious the country needs its positive minds, skilled workers and patriotic disciplined minds to continue to guide the country’s future. Stay positive, see what develops in this land we love.
Every Jamaican wants to leave Jamaica, proof that the govt. is not doing a good job.
The politicians do a good job of patting themselves on the back for what is being done and look prosperous while doing it. The people on the street who are agreeing, sadly, don’t reflect what is being said as they passively agree. Some do manage to put a little fire in their attitude but it is only just a presentation to fool that all is well. They have divided us to conquer and as long as we attack each other as we are wont to do, then we will continue in this free-fall. The country is like a house where… Read more »
put forth new laws amend the broken laws. Enforce them, take action. Things change one thing at a time complaining does nothing but bring moral down. Minds need to open to evolve learn from other countries that do it well.