The PNP and The Road to Disaster
Finally I have come to the conclusion that as a country Jamaica is going nowhere.
A reporter asked the Prime Minister of Jamaica if she had breached a promise she made in the last elections, she had no answer except to say she has no clue what is going on.
Her response speaks volumes about the people we elect to run the country.
Then to hear that GCT will now be added to the electric bills of Jamaicans, and that PETROL will also be taxed is a clear indication that this government is going to further create CHAOS and ANARCHY in Jamaica.

Now how on earth people can survive under this REGIME is baffling to me, especially when the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE is so high and jobs that could benefit Jamaicans are now being offered to MEXICANS.
Now if the taxes are to fill a gap in the budget as stated by the Minister of Finance, then how about they take a cut in pay to show solidarity towards the people?
God knows their compensation is more than adequate and all they are doing is wrecking the country.
If ever a good opposition was needed, now would be the time, but I fear all that is coming from that side is dictatorship and a man who seemingly thinks that no one should disagree with him, because anyone who does so will feel his wrath.
The question now is where do Jamaicans and JAMAICA go from here?
Sadly the answer is vividly clear. We are now OVER THE CLIFF, and there is no rescue in sight.
It’s not worth me comming home to settle then. If government’s is now the biggest the Theives. Why should I invest my pension in JA what for. I would rather settle in a small nation and enjoy my life. Like ghana or Ethiopia
I disagree with this bleak forecast, are we so weak a people that we are going to just roll over and give up? I think not. Until the ship sinks there is more than hope there are individuals who can take a stand and through dedication make a difference. There are doers and shakers out there, new thinkers and people that care. Like minded People need to find each other and combine forces, revolutionize the whole concept of politics. Jamaica is going to pull through this, we are too strong a people not to. People power is the strongest power.… Read more »
While your blog has some facts I do not agree that the leader of the opposition is behaving like a dictator. There are PNP supporters who have been trying to vilify and destroy him ever since the polls said he was ahead of the idiot called Portia. I returned to Jamaica some years ago because that was my lifelong dream. I did not return and look at all the negatives, I returned and got busy helping those around me who needed help the most and those who needed guidance. We who know better can make a difference but we have… Read more »
I don’t see how Jamaica can be poor. After Jamaica gained independence we had an economy that was growing 10% yearly and we are in a geo strategic position which is a major trading route. Jamaica is the largest English speaking country in Caribbean so there is no language barrier and also large deposits for minerals and agricultural produce. Will power and wishful thinking won’t save Jamaica from the abyss.
Our black ancestors survived worst than modern day politics. This could explain why most Jamaicans are so laid-back and apathetic. They know they can survive on dirt-cakes if they have to. Many of them want things to continue because they are on the PATH Programme, they have remittances coming from abroad and they can beg for everything else. Life is beautiful in Jamaica, why are we being such complainers. Jamaicans love things as they are and the proof is in our election results.
The only way to remedy and stabilize the economy is to remedy the fiscal deficit and fix the balance of payment because too many outflow of American currency, increase tariff and taxes. Invest into alternate energy because energy is very important in making a country grow. Lowering of interest rates and I would use a progressive tax system which to tax the upper class, increase spending on government projects to increase employment. Better trained labour force and also uproot the sort of negative brain washing tools that have been encapsulating our young minds. We cant have 14 and 10 years… Read more »
The only way Jamaica can be rich is to minimize corruption and make those accountable for their action. Also tribalism has been eating away Jamaica like cancer. Mindset of Jamaicans need to change. We need cultural revolution. We need to examine other cultures and incorporate the facets that make a great society. The problem is not only economical but cultural. We are divided by rich and poor, as well we are not willing to put in the effort that is strongly needed. The only way to remedy and stabilize the economy is to remedy the fiscal deficit and fix the… Read more »