Popular Ravers Clavers Dancer Dies (Video)

Many supporters of the dancing fraternity are now mourning the death of Mundo Ravers.
Mundo was a popular dancer for the Ravers Clavers dance group.
Born Ricardo Garden, Mundo Ravers died over the weekend after battling kidney problems for years.
Another Jamaican entertainer, Ding Dong announced Mundo’s passing on Saturday via social media.
Mundo was the creator of popular dances like Sassa Step and Follow Thru and suffered from a disease known as Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), which is a disease that attacks the kidney’s filtering system (glomeruli) causing serious scarring.
FSGS is one of the many causes of a disease known as Nephrotic Syndrome, which occurs when valuable protein in the blood leaks into the urine (proteinuria).
In the video below courtesy of DanceJA Mundo took the time to show off one of his dance moves despite his ill health.
Rest well Mundo.
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RIP Mundo Clavers
Rip Mundo Ravers
R.I.P Mundo… gwaan rave dem
RIP!! Another fallen solider
Rip Mundo
RIP Mundo Ravers
rip mundo
Rip youth
Can’t never get use to death know or unknown. RIP
RIP Mundo
RIP Mundo Ravers.
Kidney disease is a terrible thing, not everyone is fortunate enuff to get a transplant rip
RIP mundo
Sleep well Mundo
My condolences to the family. Rip Mundo Ravers.
Rip bro
Bless up mundo, Yu nuh gone nuh weh caaw Yu spirit still live on.
Rip Mundo ravers
Rip yute from passa passa days you a do it youth…