Marijuana Decriminalised in Jamaica
A marijuana law amendment was given the go ahead by legislators in the House of Parliament on Tuesday night following a lengthy debate.
Under the amendment, persons with two ounces (56.6g) or less of marijuana in their possession will not face criminal charges but can be fined.
This means individuals who are found to have a small quantity of marijuana will no longer be put behind bars.
The amendment will also allow the cultivation of five or fewer plants on any premises.
Jamaica’s Security Minister, Peter Bunting, said the government has no intentions to soften its stance on transnational drug trafficking or cultivation of illegal plots.
“The passage of this legislation does not create a free-for-all in the growing, transporting, dealing or exporting of ganja. The security forces will continue to rigorously enforce Jamaican law consistent with our international treaty obligations,” Bunting said in parliament.
Is this a good move? Let us know in the comments.

So its not a free-for-all thing… Who will the exporting of marijuana benefit and who’s cock must one suck to get one of those license to plant and export. cuz it seem like certain things in this country are kept quiet to the poor and only shared with the supporters of certain parties. I tell u this… one of the worst thing in this world is politics because we are one people yet some are made to excel while some are chained to poverty and misfortune. for what?? a bloody choice of allegiance?
Is this a good move? If u read about the tourist card, and calculate the 2.4M overnight
visitors with the 1.8M Ship visitors, and say just 25%
bought the card for say, $200
usd, that’s ONE HUNDRED MILLION USD – Not a, “good move”, fantastic watershed moment in Jamaican history that can right the long-time listing, technically bankrupt
Ship of State. Very astute, long overdue move. Its amazing what can be accomplished when our also bankrupt politucal parties can accomplush when they actually act grownup for just a few sessions!
SMH. #Smokescreen (No pun intended) What are Law enforcement Officers going to do to prove when an accident occurs because someone was “Driving Under The Influence,” a Breathalyzer, tell the occupant to “Walk the line”…. We know marijuana affects the development of teenagers brains so did the law clarify age limits?…. #SeedTimeAndHarvest
Peter Tosh, Culture and dem man deh a dance because their voices have finally been heard
why lock up a man for the natural when the legal is taking life…
Haldane is right—ganja should be treated just like alcohol. Don’t drink and drive, don’t SMOKE and drive! Who wants to go to doctor, an eye doctor, or a surgeon who had been lighting a typical “spliff”? Who wants to get into a boat or aircraft piloted by someone who just puffed away more than two ounces of Jamaica’s ‘finest’? Even in the age of decriminalization, ganja SHOULD be controlled in the interest of public health and safety
[…] is seen as the weed capital of the world even though marijuana is still not fully legalized here. A recent bill of rights passed on February 6, 2015 saw changes to the Dangerous Drugs […]