Jamaican Dad Excludes Daughter from Will for Having Child with a White Man
Rector Emanuel (Eric) Spence, a Jamaican man who disinherited his daughter because she had a child for a white man must now be turning in his grave.
This after a Canadian judge made legal history by overturning his last will and testament because his deathbed pleas were ‘overtly racist’.
According to the National Post, Spence disowned his daughter after he discovered she was carrying the child and left $400,000 to another daughter he barely knew in the United Kingdom.
Court documents showed that the relationship between Mr. Spence and his daughter Verolin was excellent until 2002.
The relationship ended abruptly when Verolin informed her father that she was pregnant and the child’s father was Caucasian.
Spence exclaimed that he was ashamed of Verolin and from that point onwards, the deceased restricted his communication with her … He would not allow a white man’s child in his house,”
The judge nullified the will claiming the motivations of the dead offended “public policy”.
Do you think it was right for the judge to do this? Let us know in the comments.

Source: National Post
What century is this?
ALTHOUGH , I DO NOT CONDONE RACISM , I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE THE JUDGE ERRED …….EVERYONE AND OR EVERYONE MUST BE AFFORDED THE RIGHT TO DISTRIBUTE HIS OR HER EARTHLY POSSESSIONS IN A WILL OR OTHERWISE AS THEY SEE IT FIT ……..whatever their reason the fact remains that this estate belong to them …..if this daughter was under-age , this would be a different kettle of fish……I myself would never (as a father ) do that but if someone chose that route ,legally it should upheld………i have heard stories about white people disinheriting their siblings for… Read more »
His life’s experience with a few Caucasians may have been negative or so oppressed that he detested sharing a grandchild with them.
the judge’s decision could be based on the same reason why he concluded his action.
I dont think the judge should get involve he make his wish so everyone can fight their parents will now
I believe this man was a bigoted idiot who is better off where he is now. There is no place for such individuals in today’s world, however, i think the overturning of his last will and testament, made in his right mind, sets a very dangerous precedence. The answer to the question, was the judge right, in my opinion, is no
The judge is god damn out of order. I wonder if his judgment would have been the same had it been the other way around?
A very smart judge. Cheers!
As disturbing as his motives are.. it is his money and he has the right to do with it what he wants.. No judge has the right to interfere with that right… why are they not interfering when people will all their money/belongings to puss and dog ..
No, wroooong,
I don’t agree that the father is necessarily a bigot here. I don’t know this man. Maybe his daughter has an irrational fixation on whiteness, and her father, recognizing this, was disappointed that she manifested this once again buy picking a white man with whom to have children — based upon what he perceived as her irrational behavior. the point is no one knows why he chose to not bequeath his wealth to his daughter. Assuming his daughter has achieved the age of majority — i.e. that she is no longer a child — then he is not obligated to… Read more »
The father was clearly being racist and that is ourageous. After all, we certainly as black people dont want to emulate the disgraceful habit of racism thats come to characterise the behaviour of white folks in general towards us. But an individuals will should not be altered because of their personal opinion. Change it on a point of law indeed. In this case its none of the judges damned business
While I am in total disagreement with the father’s actions, I don’t think the judge had the right to change his will.
He should be able to leave his money to any one he pleases. Judge must be the baby daddy lol
I am inclined to believe the daughter and father estrangement was more than her choice of a baby father. I think there were greater issues. That being said I think the judge made a huge mistake
All people are people
All people are people God made us all who dear you to like some and not others shame on him Love your nab our as yourself,that a comand,
Judges must abide by the law.Well,the father is dead…can’t find out his real
the man got a right his money his laws his house amen
Bet the judge white. Since 02 it was clear what his plans are.
Sounds like the judge need to be disbarred.
yes the judge did the right thing
The judge was wrong. To deem his will racist is racist. Nullifying the will shows he protecting the white people. Because he’s white himself. Bullsh*t.
I totally agree with the judge the young lady have the right to decide who she get pregnant for her father was a sick man living in the past
I think that the judge has done something which is very dangerous, for hundreds of years folks have been disowned an disinherited for marrying the ‘wrong’ person. Like it or lump it, it is the deceased LAST will and testimony and horrendous reasons shouldn’t overturn this. I personally wouldn’t want any of his money anyway. if I was the daughter.
This man was not racist the Black man can not be racist
The bottom line is that the man lacks LOVE. As for the daughter to bring her father’s Will to the court shows how desperate she is for other persons things instead of fighting and making her own. How many fathers live with their children but yet never give them anything? Mother have, father have blessed is the child that have his/her own. Hugs
Sick and insane……………….
A will and testament is what it is and according to the law it should stand it’s his decision to make his will what ever he wants it to be. I bet u that judge is white
The judge erred. What gave him the right to decide whether you disinherit someone-even your child, for whatever reason. Wrong, wrong!!!
he can do what he wants
look this is not even debate worthy!the judge is as silly as he is wrong!….and i could press on with more vigour,but to what end?so i will ask a question.would the judge have done the same were the deceased white and made such a testament of forfeiture should his white daughter breed for a black man?i can assure you,there would have been no such controversy because such a will would have been deemed quite appropriate
Sick and insane
What’s the purpose of willing something that belongs to you if a judge can overturn your will. The law is go gray, never black and white. I say his will, his way for whatever reason.
The law is SO gray, not go gray.
eu deserdaria e juiz branco nenhum retificaria minha decisão!
Depend how old is this white man……………if he has 52 and she 18,like Bob Marley”s dad,father of her,has totaly right
Judge was right.no racism
A fe im moni . But im shuda glad shi nuo woo de pickny fada is
Plees ansa ina reel jamca langweg
Tank yu.
Jonny carson also disowned his granddaughter when he found out his son nocked up a black woman
I strongly believe the judge was wrong in action, a Will irregardless of how it was written or stated, the court has violated the freedom of expression of an individual, I am not saying he is right at this method of decision making but all he owns gives him full and interrupted authority at distribution and he by law of ownership has full authority to execute distribution has seen fit. That daughter who has actually now put herself in the position of desperation and should never feel comfortable to know she had to take such steps to have her fathers… Read more »
People. Its not illegal to be a bigot. He may be a bigot but its his money. He obviously had done what a father was supposed to do-raise her, educated her so she may fend for herself. She has no right to any of his possessions unless he says so. The judge was seriously out of order to do otherwise. In my opinion, also, they may have brought having a child with a Caucasian as the reason since they know this would likely strike a stronger cord with the judge. How do we know thats the only reason. The judge… Read more »
Not all black people want their kids to date whites
He is right.
Smart man
According to what I understand about the principle of writing one’s last will and testament, once this is considered to be written while the person in of sound mind and is not under duress then the conditions outlined is irrevocable at the death of the person. This Judge is “bright and out of order”. If only the dead had powers!
legally the judge may have stepped out of bound but morally i support his decision.discrimination is what it is no matter what color , shape, size or class a lot of us do it without even realizing. maybe if he lived a little longer they would have mended fences.Well he cant spend money in the grave.
thIS IS A ONE SIDED STORY.. BECAUSE THE MAN IS DEAD THE LAWYERS COULD HAVE COOKED THat story.. and guess wat the dead man cant tell his side… This judge is wrong…..
The color of your skin should not have had anything to do with the person you are, more over a father and daughter. As a man of God he should have looked beyond that, and forgive her 70 times 7.
We don’t know all the details so we can’t draw an informed conclusion. Racism is the only reason we are given in this article. More than likely there might be other factors which were not mentioned here. Just from the article’s information it would appear that both the dad and the judge were wrong. However it seems unfair to cut the daughter that he had a good relationship with out of his will and give all to the other he hardly knew. I guess he was just hurting when he made that decision.