
Police High Command to investigate man’s arrest for taking photo

The Police High Command is probing the alleged arrest of a St. Ann resident, for taking the photographs of members of the police force.

Errol Nisbeth, founder of the St Ann 360 advocacy group  that showcases happenings in the parish of St. Ann, recentely submitted to us his account of being arrested after taking a photograph of a group of policemen speaking to a handcart vendor in this town.

See his full account HERE

According to Irie FM, the communication arm of the police, says the High Command has issued several directives to the St. Ann divisional commanders, in relation to the matter.


It says the instructions include, that an immediate investigation be conducted in the matter with a view of bringing disciplinary charges, if it is found-out, that the rights of the member of the public were breached.

In addition, it says the St. Ann high command should meet with the community, to ensure their relationship with the police is not in any way damaged by this incident, and that police officers going on duty are reminded about the rights of citizens, when carrying out their duties.

The high command says, it is once again reminding its members and members of the public that it is within the rights of every or any member of the public, to record the activities of any member of the force, carrying out duty in the public.

It says, it should also be noted, that this type of activity is encouraged by the police high command, as it often helps in allegations of police misconduct.

Errol Nisbeth in cuffs after being arrested for taking photo via
Errol Nisbeth in cuffs after being arrested for taking photo of police officers via

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