Lisa Hanna Swimwear Photo Sparks Major Controversy
Minister of Youth and Culture – Lisa Hanna has sparked major controversy on various social media platforms after posting a picture of herself wearing swimwear on the beach.
The photo was taken by her son Alexander Panton after the Reggae Marathon in Westmoreland last week.
On one popular Facebook group – ‘Real Change for Jamaica – Discussion Forum’, the photo was posted with the question: Is this picture appropriate for a Minister of our government to post on her Public Page (LIKE PAGE) on Facebook?
Persons wasted no time to shared their opinions. Many offered compliments while others criticized her for posting the photo.
The post has already received well over 1000 replies.
See some of the comments below and share your views:

Henry Mortimer Lindo
Being a public figure should not rob one of using public amenities.
Why are some ppl so stereotypical ?
I think it’s borne out of envy.
Patrick Gore
Many of you read what you want to read. That picture was not posted on her private facebook page.
It is posted on the page created as her Public Page (LIKE PAGE) on Facebook? On that page, government policies are discussed. Her portfolio Ministry, and other Cabinet members’ Ministries, are linked to that page.
What makes such a picture appropriate on a page where government policies are being discussed? With the views I read here, is it any wonder our country is in the state it is?
Nodene Dennis
Minister you’re stunningly beautiful. All the girls would like to b you and all the guys would love to be around you. You go girl…..power house
Edwin Walton
A little too revealing for a lady in her position, extremely beautiful no doubt but remember, she is the minister… and should be setting an example for the young ladies to look up to her.
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What the big deal ,she is on her private time , allow her. We need to be concern about important things , too much talkers and not enough doers . The question we should be asking , what have I done for my country lately. I am going now it
I was about to write , it garbage day, I going to see if there is any to pick in my neighborhood to in my garbage can To help keep my community. Love Jamaica, blessings
The Minister has certainly made my Day,She is one of my favorite politician and I am hoping for her promotion soon!
Guess she should have worn a jeans and T-shirt..ssmh
Not because Lisa is in a high – end position she should be deprived of her happiness, if she feels comfortable in showing off her beautiful well put together figure, it should be nobody’s business. At least we know we have someone in high position who is of a “down to earth ” nature. I personally don’t think this should interfere with her public life as a Minister.
Next time, if there’s a next time, wear a long dress down to your toes…2014 soon 2015 and some grown ass folks are so ignorant.
its the beach for christ sake ! what do you wear on the beach not swim wear ? person are just so stupid and jealous
Leave the lady alone she is a human being also….. she is at the beach what uno want her to do wear pants kmt, tell uno bout these dumb jamaican every body need to enjoy there life.
Stunning,beautifull,gorgeous,love you lisa
Ms world lisa, u are happy, beautiful, live your life, let them talk.
Everybody seem to believe that she is a robot she is human too….. Very beautiful Miss World keep on shining and keep your body in good tone a grudge them grudge yuh!!!!
there are more at stake than a swimwear worn by the minister where politition is concern if that is such a big issue and the only one then Jamaica would be a better country
Jamaica has the most sexy parliamentarian in the world . I can not wait to see Sista P.
hey u all she has a life outside of politics-
i think all the members of parliament need to let their hair down and have some fun so that when they go in the house of parliament they will be more relaxed to deal with the problems of the country. some of thse who are making unfair comments w need to relax and live and stop exist. you go girl you look AWESOME.
Question. What should the woman be wearing on the beach? We need to get back to earth, and allow the woman to enjoy herself.
didn’t she parade in bathing suit in miss world competition?? just asking
Oh,please let the minster enjoy herself .Whats wrong with that ?
Leave her alone she is beautiful Jamaica people them must think about what going on in the country and stop the gossip whole fools I love canada oh god
thanks to her for showing what a healthy body should look like, …girls go to the gym.
Maybe she should have worn one of the suits she wears to parliament. Come on people,she is still human and deserves to have some time for herself. God I can’t believe we’re still living in the dark.
She is still my miss world woman of class should be happy we have her to represent wishes lisa you represent us with grace and beauty
My mp you have what it takes tomorrow you go to the pool and enjoy yourself .Hard work and no play make Jack a dull boy .
I don’t see anything wrong with it, she’s still human, she has a life out side politics. Lisa live while you live!!!.
Go Lisa Go…Why wasn’t there complaints when you represented us @ Miss World Competition!!!
Mi like it, double standard human being we are, when she pose inna miss Jamaica and miss world in har swim suit reveal much more, smh so what the big deal now, plus she on her own time, unnu get a life and lo the Lisa cho!!!
them expect her to wear leotard to the beach… unnuh kir out. It is her life and body. grudge her for her sexyness
These assholes need to leave the woman alone…
bad mine a kill dem
OMG get over yourselves she is aloud to have her own private time no matter what she does for a living grow the hell up and get a life
Stunningly beautiful……she is at the beach not in office……..totally appropriate for the occasion…..inappropriate would be in a jacket suit at the beach……….all u haters that’s what people wear to the beach ….swimwear.
I wonder what the critics would say if she had worn a long dress to swimming.
So what should she be wearing PJs to the beach? Come on people!!!
Wonderful looking woman! Jamaicans don’t know what to complain about! They should speak about the reluctance of unscrupulous gas stAtion owners to lower the price of petrol commensurate with the declining prices on the international scene. They should complain about those who feel that they should breed uncontrollably and blame government and others for their severe poverty. There are so many things of significance to be complained about. Those who complain about this are envious of the woman’s beautifully designed body. I suggest the critics go get a life and a body…by what ever means necessary.
Good for tourism. Sell our beaches … natural beauty! And that promo saved the country a lot of money. Good work minister.
What a fat pum pum minister got.
Lisa Live, Love, Life and enjoy it to the fullest, we’re all humans and you should not be robbed! of anything because of your position. I love you my youth! minister your representing your youth! and the haters gonna hate hate hate but just shake them of and continue your work….Miss Hanna they have to talk about you, because if they talked about themselves no one would give a red cent.
She is a beautiful and smart lady who is serving her country. We all need some down time; and she at beach! for god sake ; with her son. Please give her a brake. This should not be a distraction from her effectiveness as a minister. She could be Jamaica’s future Prime Minister. Don’t forget she is past Miss World which she did not achieve by only having good looks and a great body. Go Miss Hana! stay focus on what’s matter to the people you serve.
So you negatives are telling me , the lady cant have fun because of government rules , at least she is expressing herself , do we knw wht the others are doing ? Lisa live your life your still beautiful .
Please leave this lady alone, Jamaica, please let’s talk about all the issues thats bringing down this country.
The Minister is on her private time.She is at the beach for godness sake. Sooo I guess she was to wear a skirt suit then!!!!! She is wearing suit and a t shirt. Get a life people cause the minister at the beach relaxing. Seriously come on!!!!!!!
the poor people them needs, helps..and u r all worrying about sum one on the beach,, might as well.. u all go…too..get a life..u mom ded and u still critisuze..its a modern world..ok,,i guess she will wear her pj…ah..u all bak a days old fashion..mind set.listen she s not other female she s her self…that isn’t exposing..get off.
Patrick Gore get a life..obvious u r one boring man u wife ti wear jacket suit..high heels and make up to the beach..but lef lisa alone..she is at a beach …Lisa u look stunning ..mad dem off..couple years ago wen u win miss world and miss jamaica..u did before the entire world in something more sexy than wat u have on now..So Mr. Gore gu get a life.
It was ok wen she modeled infront millions on miss world years ago thou smh
Go Lisa you look really nice,
I see nothing wrong it the beach lord why people cant live people alone
Leave the lady lady alone is you a lone beach make for
Every body need a little time out
Are you not grateful that as Jamaican our Minister can even now win Miss Universe if she want. Lisa you are a multi-task worker. You continue to be you. One thing after the beach we are expecting good governance; so you just enjoy yourself and relax.
She is at the beach. What’s the big deal show it off looking dam good