Jamaican Hypocrisy
As a Jamaican residing in America I cannot help but notice the HYPOCRISY of many fellow Jamaicans living on FOREIGN SHORES.
They are quick to cry RACISM and get on the BAND WAGON in MERRY MACKA and other places, but tell them to give a VOICE to the INJUSTICE taking place in Jamaica, and these JAMAICAN-AMERICANS are noticeably SILENT.
I pose the question – If America is so racist and white police officers are going around just RANDOMLY SHOOTING BLACK MEN, why are so many BLACK JAMAICANS here in the USA and not back home in Jamaica where they do not have to deal with the racist cops?
Since the MICHAEL BROWN incident everybody has an opinion about RACIST AMERICA, but when Mario Deane and so many others SUFFERED under the hands of the JAMAICAN POLICE officers, these same FOREIGN MOUTH PIECES had nothing to say.

We do NOT have solutions on how to fix things in JAMROCK but we dare to SUGGEST that we have the MORAL AUTHORITY to talk about what happens in MERRY MACKA? SERIOUSLY?
I would then suggest that those who love to jump on the RACISM bandwagon and seem to have the answers: Go home and IMPLEMENT some of those same SOLUTIONS in Jamaica where the BLACK POLICE OFFICERS are using the BLACK JAMAICANS for target practice and where many of these same police are far worse than the CRIMINALS themselves.
Why waste time in RACIST MERRY MACKA when you all could be doing something POSITIVE in JAMROCK?
Tell many of those running their MOUTHS to actually STAND UP FOR SOMETHING or actually DO something to make a DIFFERENCE and you will be able to hear a pin drop.
They just have to be on the bandwagon because by GOD it makes them feel good about themselves.
Michelle Bradshaw
When I was a child I was called a red nigger and all kind of name now every body in Jamaica is bleaching .Jamaicans are blind people they will not see.
I understand the point of view and I echo the same sentiment when it comes to the killings of black men everywhere! Not to condone the unnecessary killings of young black men here in the US, but it seem as if it’s ok for black on black killings but if it’s by a white officer it’s racism. In my opinion police killings of young black men is worst in Jamaica! Yet the cry of the diaspora is limited or more talk no action. On the other hand you should understand that for most of us living abroad has adapted that… Read more »
I agree I’ve been passive about the many social ills affecting my home Jamaica, and turning my head is not going to change matters.
In my opinion, the author is being unfair. The difference between “JAMROCK ” and “MERRY MACKA” freedom of speech may get u killed faster in jamrock
Yuh mus b a white yaadie, or yuh nave nuh pickney a farrin. Jus like d black American, d Jamaican dem haffi tell dem pickney how fi ack roun American police. Stay deh nuh join d bandwagon, “police don’t and can’t see Jamaican when they look at you, all they see is “Black.” Well since yuh nuh really ave nutten fi duh ina “RACIST MERRY MACKA” maybe you shuda galang back a yaad an try change d corrup shitstym dung deh.