Speaking My Mind Again – After 50-yrs of Independence Jamaica owns nothing!
The ignorance and illiteracy of SOME Jamaicans really amazes me.
Following the recent airing of PARTS UNKNOWN featuring Jamaica on CNN, every single person touting their JAMAICAN HERITAGE should be ASHAMED.
Ashamed to see that after 50 odd so called years of independence WE DO NOT OWN A DARN THING.
Others are now seeing the result of our ignorance and illiteracy.
The sad thing is rather than actually having the GUTS to feel the shame, SOME Jamaicans prefer to speak about who got paid to attend the JLP conference, and the little puppets are now comparing pictures to see if the PNP or the JLP had more people at their respective conferences.

They do this while the country burns. I was not aware that the number of people attending these political conferences determines who will vote or who will WIN the elections.
As a matter of fact, I have yet to see what the number of people attending these conferences actually does for the country.
If you have to go to the hospital today, I am sure whether you are wearing a GREEN or ORANGE shirt, you will be in for a very PAINFUL EXPERIENCE simply by sitting in the waiting room alone.
As a people we have no shame. 50 odd years of INDEPENDENCE and all we know to do is cry SHOWER or POWER, and allow ourselves to be political puppets, while those at the top sell us out bit by bit and piece by piece, and at the end of the day we say it is the white man’s fault.
HOW VERY SAD. I already know what is going on in my country, but to have seen it so BLATANTLY shown on CNN, tells me we still have no clue.
The only thing we can boast about at this point is our food, and sadly not many even have access to that. HOW VERY SAD.
We all want to boast and talk about being proud Jamaicans. Proud of WHAT? The PARADISE that only the FOREIGNERS can enjoy?
The beaches that only the FOREIGNERS have access to? Yet tell some of us to shout SHOWER OR POWER and our skin ‘ketch’ fire. Tell the same ones to SHOUT NO MORE RAPING and DESTROYING the country, and everyone is SILENT.
This is the NASTINESS that we stand for in the name of POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS, SPEWING HATE and ANGER at each other but KISSING the derriere of those whom we have chosen to lead, and putting them on PEDESTALS as GODS.
We should be ASHAMED to see where that has brought us, but I guess the SLAVERY MENTALITY will kill many of us first.
Neither the JLP or the PNP today can DISTANCE them self from what we have become, and if as a people we had any SHAME, we would begin the process of stopping the HERO WORSHIP and begin to hold these POLITICIANS ACCOUNTABLE.
It’s amazing how the people have the power for change in their hands and are not even aware of it.
I’ve been saying it for years, it’s high time a third political came into the picture and take the lead over the too-ing and frow-ing between the JLP and PNP. A third party should have totally different views from the other two parties and stop all the nonsense of the pre-election lies which voters always believe. Both the JLP and PNP are the same with the same rubbish and antics every time either one is in power. So why doesn’t someone form a third party and one who will stick to the promises and change Jamaica around? Is this not… Read more »
You sound to me like someone who lives abroad. I’ve been living back in jamaica for nearly 3 years after 45 years abroad, and i’ve noticed that the biggest critics are those who live in their ivory towers ABROAD. wHY ARE YOU NOT HERE HELPING THE HEALING PROCESS HERE INSTEAD OF SHOOTING YOUR MOUTH OFF FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY?
For a start i dont run bakka politicians. I dont get involved in politics. I think no matter which party is in power the results are gonna be the same. At the same time there is only so much politicians can do, yes i know there is corruption,but there are a lot more to the problem.Guns coming from abroad, especially from the us. jamaicans abroad not investing in their country, and as far as locals not being allowed to use some beaches is concerned now i live here i understand. You see tourism as well as remittances from abroad are… Read more »
the worst thing that happen to jamaica was the seventies ,,,,lets reset to 1969 and start again….
Why r u saying locals don’t have access to the beaches that is not true, that beach is not the only one in Jamaica. There is a lot of beach in Jamaica.
No comment on the government…the dollar has slid again…and that says it all! I don’t know where that beach sign was posted but ALL BEACHES are public. I live on Negril beach and the whole 7 miles of it is public. It is the law, just that most people aren’t interested in the law and their rights because they have been let down by the man/woman in charge You can take your family and picnic on the beach in front of Sandals and nobody can run you off…those who know, know better.
Dont Forget Jamaica is a Young Nation, we Need 2 or 3 Genarations to bring it to a 1st world class, Dont Forget that Jamaica was still inslave upto 1938….So the up coming genaration are the ones to do the Job. if you look you will see the Young genaration are reading good books and going to good UNIs, it just takes time maybe you and i may live to see how Jamaica strive, it is true.. that alot of things went wrong like everywhere else in the world so why cant Jamaica make them too.. in this case the… Read more »
Michael Manley passed a law that says the beaches in Jamaica belong to all Jamaicans. As far as I know, that law has not been rescinded. The signs are meaningless.
@Keith Robinson… In response to your post of 24 November which I’ve only just seen… I am a Jamaican who went to live back in Jamaica for nine years but left because of personal reasons so your perception of me is very wrong….. Take my advice and never judge a book by its cover because you now look a fool. Living back in your country for only three years after 45 years away in a foreign country doesn’t make you an expert on anything except the country you left
Lilliput is not the only beach that no longer belong to the people… You only have to look at the North Coast and all the new hotels that are popping up to know that more beaches are being taken over
there is no hope for the fool that call themselves jamaican
You should probably check your facts before you go ranting and raving though. Just because you saw something on Parts Unknown, does not necessarily make it so. The beach has been owned and is still owned by the UDC Not foreigners. And it has always and still allows public access.
How you mean wi no own anything after 50 years of Independence. Of course we own guns and ganja.
Wayne Chen We need a proper discussion on Jamaica’s policy re public beaches (and parks etc.), and agree on a way forward. Most of what has been in the media lacks substance and context. Every parish in Jamaica has at least one “Public Beach” and I don’t know of any proposal to restrict access or sell to private developers. What most discussions lack is an outline of the cost to maintain them properly, and who will pay. The recent disclosure that Emancipation Park costs the NHT (contributors money, not taxes) $8m monthly to maintain should be sobering. A responsible government… Read more »
You sound to me like someone who lives abroad. I’ve been living back in jamaica for nearly 3 years after 45 years abroad, and i’ve noticed that the biggest critics are those who live in their ivory towers ABROAD. wHY ARE YOU NOT HERE HELPING THE HEALING PROCESS HERE INSTEAD OF SHOOTING YOUR MOUTH OFF FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY?
No comment on the government…the dollar has slid again…and that says it all! I don’t know where that beach sign was posted but ALL BEACHES are public. I live on Negril beach and the whole 7 miles of it is public. It is the law, just that most people aren’t interested in the law and their rights because they have been let down by the man/woman in charge You can take your family and picnic on the beach in front of Sandals and nobody can run you off…those who know, know better.
the worst thing that happen to jamaica was the seventies ,,,,lets reset to 1969 and start again….
I’ve been saying it for years, it’s high time a third political came into the picture and take the lead over the too-ing and frow-ing between the JLP and PNP. A third party should have totally different views from the other two parties and stop all the nonsense of the pre-election lies which voters always believe. Both the JLP and PNP are the same with the same rubbish and antics every time either one is in power. So why doesn’t someone form a third party and one who will stick to the promises and change Jamaica around? Is this not… Read more »
Why r u saying locals don’t have access to the beaches that is not true, that beach is not the only one in Jamaica. There is a lot of beach in Jamaica.
For a start i dont run bakka politicians. I dont get involved in politics. I think no matter which party is in power the results are gonna be the same. At the same time there is only so much politicians can do, yes i know there is corruption,but there are a lot more to the problem.Guns coming from abroad, especially from the us. jamaicans abroad not investing in their country, and as far as locals not being allowed to use some beaches is concerned now i live here i understand. You see tourism as well as remittances from abroad are… Read more »