
Usain Bolt publicly tells his mom he loves her and gives her new ride

Usain Bolt has made it very clear that he loves the woman who birthed him.

The world’s fastest man used Facebook to publicly proclaim his love  for his mother earlier today (October 23).

In his post he said: “Greatest joy of my success is providing for my Mother..Mom you deserve this and so much more..Love you endlessly”.

He also encouraged his mom to be safe on the road by including this hashtag:  ‪#‎BeSafeontheRoad‬


Jennifer Bolt must be one happy mother right about now.

He also posted pictures of his gift to his mom; A spanking new Honda CRV.

Isn’t this a truly wonderful thing to see? Share your thoughts in the comments and remember to share.

Usain buys car suv for his mom
Usain Bolt’s mom – Jennifer Bolt stands in front of her new gift

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1 year ago

This should be private. The world does not need to know what you do for family.