No one is to travel from Jamaica to any Ebola-affected country says PM
The total number of Ebola cases reported globally has now exceeded 8000 according to the most recent estimates.
Over 4000 persons have died in West Africa and the disease continues to emerge in more countries.
According to a report by the Observer, PRIME Minister Portia Simpson Miller yesterday (October 14) said the country is facing a “national emergency” and has restricted Government members of parliament and councillors from travelling to Ebola-affected areas as Jamaica ramps up preparation to combat the disease currently ravishing sections of West Africa.

“No one is to be travelling from Jamaica to any of the affected countries,” Simpson Miller told reporters who, with the exception of journalists from the Jamaica Information Service, were excluded from a meeting at Jamaica House yesterday to discuss the State’s chikungunya (CHIKV) response and Ebola preparation plans.
Simpson Miller issued the travel protocol during the meeting that included both Government and Opposition MPs, councillors and mayors from across the island. The meeting also included members of the security forces, disaster preparedness and health officials.
The Prime Minister also called on Jamaicans to “avoid travelling to Ebola-affected countries and regions, and truthfully declare your travel history when arriving and departing the island”.
Source: Jamaica Observer
Say what you will but a Leader Leads. You may not agree with her call, but she must be admired for taking a leadership role while other world leader are still farting around not knowing what to do. This disease is serious business.
Does this include the USA or at least Texas?
what about all those tourists coming in to Jamaica ? keep them quarantined, but I guess they will never do that.
Please listen to the prime minister advise !!
Please listen to the prime minister advise !!
Please listen to the prime minister advise !!
I agree with her. Persons travelling should do their research on the areas that are being affected by this deadly disease and declare where you have traveled when returning. This is Ebola prevention is everybody’s business.
What is wrong with this Lady though God, is not just people leaving the country , you need to close all borders, no one should be allowed in nor out, you need to step down, obviously you don’t take this Ebola very seriously. Every other Caribbean country has closed their borders, what about Jamaica? You waiting for it to get here?
@ Dave Clarke, what must be admired in this case? are you serious. her actions are textbook, even a kid is expected to take such decisions. her decision here is nothing that indicates that she is a leader. she would have garnered more respect had she done it sooner. stop chat fawt yah man and stop give credit for something that was a given. kmt
So…. I guess that means… 1) No arrivals from JA into the US, which 2) actually serves another purpose because it will protect the American people from a Chikungunya-affected nation, right? The ignorance about Ebola is xenophobic, ignorant and disgusting. KMT.
I’m so ashamed right now. “Nu matta how boar hog hide unda sheep wool, him grunt betray him. “Some of us claim to love Africa and be proud of our roots, and yet our response to the crisis is as ignorant as any other. The outbreak on the African continent has remained particular to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Africa is a HUGE continent. There is no reason to think that travel to Malawi or South Africa (in the case of Luciano) poses a security risk. Also, there has been an outbreak of Enterovirus in the US that has been… Read more »
No travelling from Jamaica to Ebola-affected areas…How about about no persons travelling to Jamaica from the Ebola-affected areas??? Why would we want to go to a place that is being affected with this disease??? Why not band Ebola-affected areas from coming to Jamaica???
That is not how you protect the nation. If one wants to go look for their family or friends or whatever engagement, then let them go. That is their decision. Think about utilitarianism. What would be the greater good? Band us (citizens) from going to Ebola-affected areas or band Ebola-affected areas from coming to Jamaica?
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