A Heavenly Tiff
There was a tiff between sun and moon,
The former said to the latter, “Too soon,
Will you wane on the earth so silently,
And set the lovers’ senses fast ablaze,
That every eye your form to gaze,
Wonders why you shine only 28 days,
Where are you wandering the other three,
Hiding, leaving the night dark and lonely?”

The moon, glancing up, replied so sweetly,
“You jealous bully, so full of glare and lust,
Sizzling the earth and swirling the dust,
All day long you flare and flame with heat,
Making people run to the distant shade,
Escaping the parch surrounding you made,
Meanwhile blaming me, your true companion,
Of spending nights that escape your reflection”.
The sun almost snorted as he retorted,
“Yet my journeys are never aborted,
I follow a path true and precise,
Presiding over the morning’s rise,
Filled with purpose, noble and lovable,
Fashioning seasons in a manner remarkable,
Tracing the skies with my sense of duty,
Tho longing to behold your twilight’s beauty.”
And the moon as she rose, gave this reply,
“That my shape and path is varied it is true,
So is my deep devotion and affection for you,
But my shadowy silhouette is needed to satisfy,
While the night breeze is cool and dry,
Mankind’s nightly need of a heavenly view,
Then, so you won’t burn to a charcoal crisp,
I promise we shall meet at the next eclipse”.
Written by Ramesh Sujanani
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