Jamaica Recycles
At least one hundred jobs could be created from the operation of Jamaica recycles.
The recycling company launched its operations on Spanish Town Road in Kingston this morning.
Speaking at the launch Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller stated that at least one hundred jobs could be created in her constituency of South West St Andrew.
She states that the launch of this new business venture will have a great social, economic and environmental impact in Kingston and eventually island-wide. Mrs Simpson-Miller applauded International Recycling and Reclamation Limited for having the foresight to start operations in Jamaica and in her constituency in order to help to uplift the surrounding communities.
She added that the people of South West St Andrew could not pass up this opportunity and will far exceed expectations.
A recycling pilot project started in May last year in Havendale, Karachi and Whitfield town in the corporate area and lasted for 6-months.
Additionally, $3,624 pounds of plastic were collected between May and September proving the viability of the business.
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