No One Called You Mr Blythe!
You know what I find quite unfortunate, with all the infelicitous occurrences happening within my organization?
It is the quite disturbing and disheartening fact that my fellow Labourite associates on my Facebook page and the rest of Jamaica and this hypocritical, disgraceful institution called the Jamaican Media, seem to be quite content with how the country has been left on auto pilot and allowed to erase the gains we have garnered over the last four years.
My fellow comrade, Mrs. Simpson Miller and her team, though not perfect, had placed Jamaica on a path that would have led us to steady, prosperous and well needed growth.
Now, instead, we have an education minister who is seemingly playing witchcraft with the education sector, apparently to see which spell or potion he can feed to the Jamaican education institutions for them to believe that what he’s saying makes perfect sense.

Mr. Minister, I am yet to hear any organization come out and support your initiatives. So many persons cannot be lying and you need to listen and stop wasting resources. Our teachers and students can do without all this confusion. Mr. Tufton, I admire you, but if you had just a ‘toops’ more integrity as you claim, you would be ensuring that the media would be reporting more on the deaths of these persons with Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Mr. Montague, I am personally hearing about people dying, or being shot and other criminal offenses being reported on social media by some media houses or bloggers and you’re silent as a lamb??? People are dying!!!
Mr Shaw….weh really a gwan??? You finally took a chill pill and got blasted so far out of space??? Sir, we need you to at least phone home and tell us, why in 8 months, the US dollar is the only thing that can beat Usain St Leo Bolt??? Why is it that in 8 months, our Jamaican currency has slipped by almost four dollars?
And lastly, Mr Holness, if I were you right now, I’d be shaking like a leaf, because if and when the Jamaican people finally wake up, you wont need K.D. to tell you to pack your bags. I would personally have them ready for you because clearly you are hiding behind the smokescreen being created by Blythe and his madness and the rest of the power hungry throne seekers in the party, who are taking up media space and putting the PNP spokespersons with relevant media duties on back burners.
Since everyone is so hell bent on ‘PNP business’ and Mama P “not remembering things,” I now think that the Jamaican people are presently worse off than Karl Blythe when it comes on to losing memory. He has clearly forgotten why he was tossed out on his rump by the PNP. Is it just now that you have chosen to awaken from your sweet slumber Mr. Blythe? To answer what call?
No one called you Mr. Blythe!…I believe you’re hearing things…I wonder…are you hallucinating? #StandingWithPSM #StandingWithThePNP#TogetherWeBuild
By: Elizabeth Ellington
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