Stranded In The Virus
Dear Prime Minister,
I know that closing the borders is the right thing to do but this is hurting all the other Jamaicans who have no place to stay or overstay our visit at the ‘people dem house’.
Yes you did two weeks of border closure and we waited. Some of us travelled for vacation and some for business. We did not call down the virus on the world.
I need to be at home!
In countries like the US and Canada, they ensure that their citizens and residents are home. Why can’t I be home? It is terrible out here.
Keeping us Jamaicans out is not the real issue, it is the selfish behaviour of people all over.
The young extroverts are extremely restless, check out Florida. We can’t be punished after waiting two weeks. PM, you want the best for Jamaicans but I am a Jamaican and I feel left out of the big picture.
Why not have us tested from the airport, get our address and phone numbers, next of kin or which ever data you see fit and have follow up done on us?
We can’t survive out here Prime Minister. We can’t.

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