Bolt Sponsors Jamaica’s Special Olympics Team For US$1m

Retired athlete helps his nation towards World Games
Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest man, has been quick off the blocks to commit US$1m to help finance Jamaica’s Special Olympics delegation towards competing at the World Games in March.
The 32-year-old, who has announced that his sports life is over following a series of failed football trials across the globe, has brought in long-term sponsors Puma to help the Jamaica Special Olympics team financially.
Through his Usain Bolt Foundation, and assisted by Puma, the US$1m will help Jamaica compete at the 2019 World Games in Abu Dhabi in March.
The sponsorship will see the 98-strong delegation receiving equipment for the 2019 Games in the UAE.
The team comprises 73 athletes who will be competing in eight sports (athletics, badminton, basketball, bocce, football, rollerskating, bocce, swimming and volleyball), 22 coaches, two officials and one medical representative.
Bolt, the Jamaican icon, explained: “My advice to them is to understand that it will be a big stage.
“Don’t get stage fright, just go out there and try to have as much fun as possible to represent themselves and Jamaica.”

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