
Bolt Football Contract Becomes A Farce

Author: Neil-Monticelli Harley-Rüdd

Usain Bolt’s determination to become a professional footballer is becoming a farcial saga, with the latest episode being whether he has been offered a contract by Australian club Central Coast Mariners.

Ricky Simms, his agent Down Under, has made claims that the Jamaican icon has been upgraded from a trialist to being offered a contract.

And according to national newspaper The Australian, the A-League side has tabled an offer to the eight-time Olympic sprint gold medalist.

But Mariners’ coach Mike Mulvey denies the deal and claims he knows nothing about it.


The newspaper stated: “Central Coast Mariners have moved one step closer to signing Usain Bolt, with the A-League club believed to have tabled a played contract to the sprint legend’s management.”

Mariners chief executive Shaun Mielekamp has refused to comment on the report.

But Simms explained: “In response to the media stories, yes, Usain has been offered a contract. 

“I do not want to make any further comment at this stage.”

Mulvey, who didn’t involve Bolt for his side’s 1-1 draw with Brisbane Roar that kicked off their A-League season, denied any knowledge of a contract offer.

He fumed: “I do appreciate how important this story is for the rest of the world.

“You have a look at our front line today and you wonder whether he could get into any of those positions, wouldn’t you?


“You’re just talking about speculation, I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about and that’s the honest truth.”

Bolt, who has been on trial with the Mariners since August, has played in just two pre-season friendlies so far but did bag a brace in his last outing earlier this month. 

Last week there was global hype over whether Bolt would accept a highly lucrative contract with newly Abu Dhabi-bankrolled Valletta FC in Malta. 

He turned down the deal, which would have meant a chance to play in the Champions League next season, but the offer was widely seen as publicity stunt and to force the Mariners to table a deal.

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