ZOSO Opportunity – A New Anthem

Dripping uncontrollably from the lip of every Jamaican politician, at every opportunity, should not only be the words of the national anthem ‘eternal father bless our land’, but the charge that it is the national, christian and civic responsibility, and duty of every loyal Jamaican to turn in every gunman, murderer and scammer.
This should be our new anthem, repeated frequently with the fierce urgency of now, by every student, banker, lawyer, clergy, teacher and every other invested Jamaican; first thing each morning, every day!
Failure to commit wholeheartedly to this novel national interest, one could mistakenly muse is complicity with murder. And a resolve to gain power, and personal self interest first, in preference to the safety and peaceful survival of every Jamaican.
Police and soldiers, unless in a declared totalitarian state, even if fully resourced, cannot by themselves, without total and unequivocal commitment from all political stripes, and the citizenry, reduce Jamaica’s crime prevalence.
Poor Peter Philips with his academic and some would posit, arguably, highfalutin background couldn’t cross it! Peter Bunting despite his call for divine intervention didn’t make a dent; his no doubt sincere, yet, faltering, fruitless prayers left unanswered. “Faith without works is dead” is a well known and frequent church goers refrain.
Lawyer K. D. Knight despite his diligence and his legal luminesce, during his tenure, apparently withered in action as minister of National security. It is probably unreasonable and bordering on insanity to suggest the Peters were of little faith, or Knight operated in the dark, blinded, and so couldn’t see. Other Jamaican politicians serving in this ministerial role, regardless of their green or orange political hue have needlessly suffered similar fate.
Could Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Minster of National security Bobby Montague be attempting to chart a different and new, though painfully slow course? The Zones Of Special Operations, if fully supported and resourced may be transformational for each engaged community and ultimately the nation.
The focus on addressing primary and secondary socialisation – the established way of life – with persistence, focus and reinforcement will hopefully yield rich rewards. All failed prior attempts did not have this prescriptive long term view and ultimate focus on behavior modification. Instead, the one old approach was to hose down fires leaving the warm, hidden embers, guns and gunmen to flare with vigour and vengeance once the overwhelmed security forces were reassigned to a new hot spot. Communities meanwhile cowered in fear.
Building self confidence, a sense of value and self-worth, fostering respect of others and authority, encouraging honest hard work with fair remuneration and cementing discipline in a society are difficult but invariably tremendously rewarding and life changing.
Another anthem, old, and often song in the past without full commitment, meaning and expectation, ‘better must come one day’, should now gush daily from expectant green and orange lips.
Jamaica better is possible!
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