Our Environment is Saturated With Litter!

Why are our laws lacking teeth?
Why does law enforcement fail miserably to ever take action against those who litter our streets and public space?
The littering of our streets, public space and backyards especially with plastics and sanitary wares has become more than an eyesore; it is ugly and messy.
Downtown in particular has lost control to ‘the vending mob’ which has made once popular commercial areas of Princess Street and Beckford Street impassable.
One could recall how well kept these streets were twenty plus years ago when merchants class such as the Azans operated haberdasheries selling pots, dinnerware, mugs, cups and kitchen wares.
Many of our citizens and people sadly have no regard for the environment. Like homes which tolerate and manifest violence and abuse, so too are some homes that breed disregard for our environment and the litter act.
It is now time for law enforcement to do their duty, the entire duty – not focusing mainly traffic offenders but taking action against all criminal and lawless behavior.
The crude and “dibby dibby” behavior is now pervasive in our society. Singapore despite receiving its independence after us is today a pristine society held in high esteem by world travelers while our capital city and other towns streets are in ruination.
Police cannot stick around drinking in a bar while someone outside tosses a juice box in the street, neither can they watch every frock tail that passes as was the observation of former Assistant Commissioner Len Green while the nation is subjected to environmental rot.
By Winston Donald
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