So What if Robert Montague’s Uncle is an Obeah Man?
We Jamaicans just LOVE cas-cas and conflict.
Minister of National Security Robert Montague recently alluded an uncle who is supposed to be an “obeah man”.
So what?
Most of us might have had a male or female “science” relative. That included one Didi Ferguson, a famous obeah man from St Mary – he was supposed to be my father’s uncle. Everybody denied his services.
Let us face it. Our African religions including obeah were condemned as “pagan” by European stragglers when they rolled up on the shores of the mighty continent, with three themes in mind – God, glory and gold. Not necessarily in that order
So ever since then, we black folk have rejected any aspect of our culture that involves African religious practices. When the Europeans were busy sucking our precious island of its assets, obeah was punishable by flogging or imprisonment. But the Jamaican government recently abolished such colonial-era punishments.
The Obeah woman means healer and magic worker, some people say they descended from Igbo of West Africa. Obeah men are believed capable of poisoning people and dominating them by “catching their shadows”.
Some researchers say Obeah originated from Ashanti people, Ghana and obayifo. In Jamaica, this practice was a legendary component of slave resistance and revolt.
Another African religion which has not been eradicated by forced labour is PUKUMANIA. Endemic to Jamaica. Drumming and dancing culminate in trances and contact between worshippers and spirits who bring about divine healing or inspiration. In the Revivalist traditions, the Holy Spirit who “possesses” devotees, or the spirits such as prophet Jeremiah and apostle Peter.
So gwaan Bobby, fly the African spirit. (Mi see yuh a St Thomas soon). DWL.

By Neo Makeba
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