Fire the Entire Board of the FLA!
Thanks to Professor Trevor Munroe of the National Integrity Action, we are reminded that corruption is rife in Jamaica and the Firearm Licensing Authority (FLA) is in my opinion a recent demonstration of an agency that can be manipulated and corrupted by the rich, the powerful, the well-connected and I would add those – persons of certain ethnicities.
It has now come to the knowledge of the Jamaican public that the file for Powell, the formerly accused in the case of the death of the Kingston College student Khajeel Mais is nowhere to be found at the Firearms Licensing Authority.
What is interesting based on allegations by the police high command was that five years ago, the FLA requested that Patrick Powell’s firearm licence should be revoked on the grounds that he refused to produce his firearm for inspection after written and verbal communications from the Police.
Yet after some five years, his license was not revoked and the file pertaining to the firearm has disappeared.
It would appear that technically, this man has never had a gun licence; if a file has never existed then there is no record of application or ownership.
This is a joke and a scorn of authority and the justice system.
How can well thinking Jamaicans trust those placed in authority and given power to serve them?
Typically a board meeting should report any item of critical nature in its minutes.
For five years the FLA seemingly failed to document or request information pertaining to a stakeholder whose gun was used to commit a crime.
The entire board of the Firearms Licensing Authority should go. In fact, it is time for an investigation to be carried out against the Board and the findings made public to Jamaicans.
This agency cannot assure Jamaica it is honest, fair, competent or even relevant.
The Jamaican people deserve better. We do not need organisations that are seemingly acting against the interest of the people. It is time for competent and above board individuals- those not associated with corruption be placed on such an important government agency.
Maurice Christie
Aboukir, St. Ann

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