10-Yr-Old Girl Labelled a Heroine After Saving Babies From Fire in Kingston
A heroic deed!
A ten-year-old girl is now being labelled a heroine after she courageously saved her two nieces from a deadly explosion that occurred last Sunday on Jacques Avenue in Kingston.
That horrific explosion claimed the lives of two individuals and left four persons with serious burns.
The brave girl, Dejanae Davis was reportedly in her backyard playing with her one and six-year-old nieces when an illegal gas operation nearby caused a massive explosion, setting the premises ablaze.
According to The Star, Davis’s older sister Sade Folkes stated: “If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know what would happen to my babies. As soon as she see the fire start, she grabbed my two babies and run over to the neighbour’s house with them”.
Folkes also revealed that she was grateful to her little sister for her prompt response, at the time of the incident, as she was fast asleep inside the now destroyed house.

Via The Star
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