PORTLAND: Jamaica’s Most Beautiful Parish?
Portland parish is a leading producer of bananas, coconuts, breadfruits, mangoes and ackee, grown for exports and local consumption.
The parish has very rich land on its coastal strips, suitable for any kind of cultivation. There are about 18 factories in the parish.
Because of its natural attractions, tourism has often flourished in Portland. It is noted for its fine beaches, such as Frenchman’s Cove, Boston Beach, Winifred, and Dragon Bay.
The famous Blue Mountains are also located in Portland, and world-famous Blue Lagoon, believed to be the crater of an extinct volcano.
Boston Jerk Centre is well-known for its famous “jerked” foods, including chicken, fish and pork.
There are five high schools in Portland, including the well-known Tictchfield: Buff Bay; Fair Prospect; Happy Grove High and Port Antonio High.
Since the early 1950s, more than 782 film or screen productions have been shot in Portland. Two of the most popular are Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Walt Disney (USA) in 1954 and The Harder They Come by Vista Productions (Jamaica) in 1972.
Scenes from the film Cocktail starring Tom Cruise were shot at the bar on the beach at the Dragon Bay resort.
An early film edition of the 1963 version of Lord of the Flies was largely shot at Frenchman’s Cove; the 1990 remake by Harry Hook was filmed largely at Frenchman’s Cove and Snow Hill.
Rihanna also filmed the video for her song ‘Man Down’ in various locations throughout the parish in April / May 2011.

By Neo Makeba
Source: Wikipedia
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