Thieves Steal Close to 70 Pigs From St Catherine Farms
Praedial thieves have reportedly stolen close to 70 pigs valued at over $2 million from two farmers in Lakes Pen St Catherine.
According to Irie FM, one farmer Oneil Nugent claims he left his farm at approximately 6:30 pm on Saturday (June 4).
When he returned the following morning at about 9:30, he realised that some 60 pigs were stolen.
The theft of his livestock is a severe financial setback, says Mr Nugent.
Another farmer Melvin Johnson, has fallen victim to theft.
Johnson says since Wednesday (June 1), he has been losing pigs constantly.
He says seven of the 30 pigs on his farm have been stolen.
The farmers say the area, which is without electricity, is being plagued by praedial thieves.
According to the farmers, lawmen have failed to apprehend anyone in connection with the theft, despite making several complaints to the police.

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