
Is There Hope For Jamaica?

I am disturbed by the senseless crime and violence that has been plaguing our country Jamaica.

Gone are the days when people could sleep with their doors open, when hatred did not fill our hearts to capacity.

When men and women would reverence God’s house of worship, or have a high level of respect for God.

But nothing is stopping these gunmen from killing even the babies resting on their mother’s breast. The moral decay of this generation has spiralled out of control.


We seek answers from our governments but they have no solutions.

They are as baffled as we are as to how someone could kill missionaries who are helping to better another person’s living situation and helping to build Jamaica as a better society.

A father killing his three year old child, who did not ask to come into this world, a man raping a senior citizen that could be his mother or grandmother.

These are only a few of the heinous acts the criminals have been wreaking on the citizens of our country.

We need to look at harsher forms of punishment for these hardened criminals; because they think that they are superior to the law of this land and cannot be stopped.

As a country we need to come together to rid it of these volatile persons as their hearts become colder and colder each day.

By Kellisha Johnson –

A policeman places markers at a crime scene - Image via
A policeman places markers at a crime scene – Image via

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