Another Jamaican Physician Dies After Contracting Swine Flu
The number of persons who are confirmed to have died in Jamaica after contracting Swine Flu (H1N1 virus) has risen to six.
Though the Ministry of Health did not release her name, acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Winston De La Haye reportedly stated on Saturday that the most recent death was a doctor who had worked with the Ministry of Health for more than 30 years.
Dr De La Haye said that, like others who have died from the virus, she was a patient who had other chronic medical conditions.
She is the second doctor to die after contracting the virus.
The first was 50-year-old Suzanna Roye who died in February.
Up to yesterday, 187 tests for H1N1, or swine flu, have been done with 69 confirmed positive.

Source: Jamaica Observer
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