Prime Minister Threatens to Sue Opposition Leader
During a recent newscast on Television Jamaica, leader of the Opposition Andrew Holness was asked to respond to a statement made by the Prime Minister during her campaign where she made reference to his “10-point plan” as a “10-point con”.
The Prime Minister made the statement during a political rally in Yallahs Square, St Thomas, over the weekend.
His response:“The prime minister is the biggest con artist Jamaica has ever seen”.
He then recalled instances where the People’s National Party failed to deliver on promises made in their 2011 campaign.
According to the Observer, the Prime Minister has since retained the services of Bert Samuels of the firm Knight, Junor and Samuels to seek damages for the statement made by the Mr Holness during the newscast.
According to a letter from Simpson Miller’s attorney, addressed to Holness, it is on this basis that the prime minister is demanding: “… a suitably worded apology, approved by our client be published on Television Jamaica, in the Jamaica Observer and The Gleaner and that our client be paid damages commensurate with her station in life locally and internationally, along with his (her attorney) legal costs.”
The letter also stated that the apology, when issued, will not automatically absolve Holness from an obligation to pay damages to Simpson Miller.

Source: Jamaica Observer
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