PNP – The Party for Women
Although I grew up watching my family support the PNP, this election season I have been listening to both sides, as I am not one to support a candidate because of “family tradition”.
I have been observing and listening to both candidates, looking at their record, as well as watching to see what kind of supporters gravitate to either party.
The JLP, seem to attract the more vile supporters based on their attitude toward candidates and other supporters, particularly on social media. I have seen some of the nastiest things said and done to anyone who oppose their idea of good government. This all put a bad taste in my mouth. In fact it reminds me of the 80s when my aunt had to move her family in with my grandmother because her house was fire bombed because of her support for the PNP.
My pick would have been, of course, anyone I believe can realistically move us forward, and again, their record. Now, a lot of us might say that the country is not doing so well economically and socially. My response is, no doubt, the progress and growth are slow. The Prime minister has had to make some tough decisions which some would refer to as “sell out”, in order to help improve our status in the world.
Our roadways/highways for example, that some are undermining; it is nothing short of infrastructural DEVELOPMENT, and we all know that we would not be able to do this on our own. We needed it. I believe that she has done the best that she could considering that most of the world has felt the effects of the recession of 2008. And we all know that some countries do not have the luxury to bounce back as fast as other/more developed countries can. We all remember the recession, and any economist will tell us that it has set us back. We have not yet fully recovered. The prime minister does not have a magic wand.

On the social issues, a lot of us need to understand that it is not only government’s responsibility. The people MUST play an active role particularly as it relates to crime. Speak out, alienate, and turn in the bad guys. We need to rebuild family structure in the home. We need to see more two-parent households. We need to reduce our illiteracy rate, take personal responsibility. This, will most certainly help Jamaica become a better place. But I must say, on the part of our government, we must take a bipartisan approach to strengthen law enforcement, improve the legal system, and formulate an effective plan in the near future to help reduce crime, particularly murders– people want to go home, some want to invest.
That said, there is no perfect leader of any nation. Surely, there is room for improvement. But I believe that the Honorable/sitting Prime Minister is better fit to lead, because in my opinion her opponent’s proposals are wonderful ideas but are unattainable & unrealistic. Our economy is way too fragile for those proposals to come to fruition. So, does he really have a plan? I think not.
I also want to say, someone made a comment this morning that the PNP have “one bagga woman ina dem cabinet”, and with that I say hats off to the PNP for being pro woman.
Some may wonder, why are people still in support of the PNP? Perhaps not all are voting because of “family tradition”. Perhaps like me, many have assessed the situation based on what they have to work with — look at the prime minster’s record compared to her opponent when he occupied the office of the prime minister after his colleague was forced to resign. We only have two candidates to chose from, and I believe that this time around the prime minister is better fit to lead.
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