
JLP Still Leads Following the Recount of 62 Seats

By Wednesday of this week the Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) is expected to reveal the final results of the recently held general election to the Governor General.

While speaking at a press conference held in Kingston earlier today (February 29), Director of Elections Orrette Fisher stated that the counting of ballots for the remaining constituency, St Thomas Western, had been moved to the EOJ’s head office in Kingston, and is currently under way.

The Jamaica Labour Party’s (JLP) candidate, incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) James Robertson, tallied 9,590 votes to challenger Marsha Francis’ 9,209 in the preliminary count, to reflect a preliminary margin of victory of 381 votes.

The Director of Elections said 55 of the 156 ballot boxes for the Western St Thomas constituency had been completed up to the time of the press conference.


Preliminary results had declared 33 seats for the JLP and 30 for the PNP. However, the recounting exercise resulted in the PNP gaining an additional – St Mary South East – seat due to what Fisher described as a “transposition error”.

The Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) has advised that it has so far completed the official recount of votes in 62 of the 63 constituencies across the island.

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Polling Station – The Jamaican Blogs™ File Photo
Source: Loop News

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