Jamaica On Target to Become UK’s Favourite Caribbean Destination
It is becoming harder each day to think of celebrities who have not been to Jamaica or at least have a desire to visit at some point.
Jamaica, one of the Caribbean’s largest nations is blessed with a very rich and unique culture.
Because of this, Jamaica has been able to attract millions of visitors each year.
In January, the Minister of Tourism and Entertainment Dr. Wykeham McNeill stated that Jamaica has been welcoming more visitors than the size of its population.
For the past two years, the island has seen around 3.5 million tourists annually – two million stopover visitors and 1.5 million on cruise ships -, which is a million more than the number of people living in the country.
The Jamaica Tourist Board also recently revealed that the island is set to be confirmed as the most popular Caribbean destination for holidaymakers from the United Kingdom this year.
Officials are convinced a 16 per cent annual increase in UK visitors will see Jamaica overtake Barbados in popularity.
Some 149,000 persons from the United Kingdom visited Jamaica between the months of January to September in 2015, compared to 128,000 in the same period in 2014.
An increase in flights and the construction of several new resorts across the island have also positively impacted tourism.
‘The British visitors that come to Jamaica tend to spend more time here than many other countries because of the distance.
‘They tend to move around a lot more. They obviously come for the beaches but they also get out and go and look at our heritage sites and actually get in with the local population here.’
Dr McNeill said there is ‘great interest’ in Jamaica because it is the home of Olympic sprint champion Usain Bolt, as well as traditional attractions like reggae music and jerk chicken.

Source: Daily Mail
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